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Director's Commentary: The Future of Writing About Games

The Future of Commentaries on Commentaries on Commentaries about Games



Waiting on the analyses of analyses of analyses of analyses :)


"I don't connect ideas I just hope people get the vibe" GOD why did you have to call me out like that. I wonder if the reason the written word is more instructive is because of how the visual component is processed. To visualize what the writer is saying, you have to engage with it in a way that you don't if you're just hearing the words. Speaking of niche content - you might be able to find good game criticism in academia. I haven't personally looked for game stuff, but I've been able to find some really awesome essays about tv shows that I love by just searching on JSTOR. I definitely agree with you about how refreshing it is to hear new voices in a writing space. People who write on a singular topic all the time start to sound alike after a while if they’re not careful (I’m talking about using similar turns of phrase, word choice, sentence structure etc). When someone who doesn’t usually write in that space comes in it’s like a breath of fresh air. However, it’s an interesting juxtaposition because to be able to have a “fresh take” or present new ideas, you have to know what’s already been said a hundred times before. And then, of course, you run the risk of falling prey to the stale norms of that writing space. I’m certainly not immune to the tropes of the writing circles I run in. And yes, this video did make me want to write, so thank you.