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Hi y’all!

I haven’t done one of these in a long time, but since my twitter is still down and a lot has been happenin in the past couple months, I figured an update was due. People on the discord have likely heard all this before (seriously, the Geller discord is one of the friendliest places on the internet), but here it is in one big chunk.

The World’s On Fire, How Bout Yours

It’s been a really successful month for me personally; Patreon is at great levels, two videos released, all of you continue to be wonderfully supportive. It’s hard for me to ignore everything else in the world though. 

I’ll cut to the quick of it- $1000 of Patreon donations this month will be going to bail funds of protestors in Minneapolis- specifically the Minnesota Freedom Fund. Hopefully all of you who watch and support the channel already know where I stand on these issues; black lives matter, all of us have an obligation to resist state violence, and it’s especially important to advocate if you’ve already been given a privileged position (like me!). 

It’s possible for me to donate this amount because of your incredible generosity. Thank you, all.

A Pretty Standard Deal

I was thrilled this month to sign with standard.tv! What’s Standard? Essentially it’s “the good youtube ad agency.” It’s a creator-owned and creator-first community that does, yeah, help me find sponsors for videos. You almost undoubtedly know people who are on Standard: Lindsay Ellis, HBomberguy, Super Bunnyhop. 

I know sponsors can be an iffy proposition for people- rest assured that the content always comes first and I’m unwilling to compromise a video for an ad. The recent Midgar vid, for example, could have had a sponsor but I didn’t want to kill the end pacing with one. 

Another cool aspect of Standard is all my videos are now on Nebula, a creator-owned platform with curation, better copyright policies, no ads, etc. It’s a cool place, and all my videos will be going up on YouTube and Nebula in the future. The Nebula ones will occasionally have some special features, but I’ll make sure the patreon gets those too. 

A Herd of Cattle, A Business of Ferrets, A Podcast of Millenials

Okay here’s just shows I’ve done since the twitter suspension.

Something Rotten- Writer/reporter Blake Hester and I did a podcast miniseries on the game Max Payne 3 as a charity incentive. I’m really proud of it- it’s thoughtful, funny, and also I say stuff sometimes. Here’s the first episode on YouTube, and it’s all available on the Game Query podcast feed. Something Rotten will return…

99 Questions- I did another podcast, appropriately titled. 99 questions about meaningful and meaningless things. It’s very fun. Find it right here

Eye on the Triangle- I’ll be on NC State’s radio show, Eye on the Triangle, this Sunday. The show is about gaming during the pandemic, but mostly it’s just a chance to talk about some very good games. You’ll be able to find it here.   

That’s All, Folks!



I'm happy to be able to support you and the work you do. You're my absolute favorite content creator and all of your videos carry an important message! Much love and stay safe.


I've seen a number of video essayists I follow promote Nebula, but your announcement was what got me to finally check it out and sign up. Hope it works out!

Paul Puccio

Thanks for the update Mr. G, the Minnesota Freedom Fund donation is wonderful