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Prompt of the Week - Week 138 Voting

  • Prompt 1 7
  • Prompt 2 3
  • Prompt 3 2
  • 2023-04-02
  • 12 votes
{'title': 'Prompt of the Week - Week 138 Voting', 'choices': [{'text': 'Prompt 1', 'votes': 7}, {'text': 'Prompt 2', 'votes': 3}, {'text': 'Prompt 3', 'votes': 2}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 4, 2, 19, 56, 20, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 12}


Prompt 1) Relgorra grew up knowing that, in modern society, you can choose who you want to be; that you aren't locked into a given role just because of the circumstances of your origins. So the huge, bottom-heavy kaiju-lizard decided that she didn't want to be defined by her natural ability to absorb radiation and convert it into various forms of growth, she wanted to be a powerful businesslady. With her as both spokeswoman and decision-maker, Relgorra Environmental Cleanup Incorporated has become an international powerhouse in the field of industrial disaster relief, but sometimes that means asking your secretary to reschedule a rooftop meeting at a regional HQ you'd just waded through the ocean for so you can roll up your sleeves, prevent a reactor meltdown in progress, and probably burst those sleeves (and the rest of your EXTREMELY EXPENSIVE custom suit) in the name of reminding everyone you're the best in the business.

Prompt 2) A week ago, Kai became the divinely appointed guardian of their pine marten clan - a symbolic role more than anything since it's been peaceful for centuries. The power flowing into them already doubled their height while boosting their muscles and curves tenfold... and that was just through meditating without a bite to eat! They attend a huge feast for their coronation, only to realize that each morsel their clan feeds them is growing back a hundredfold as bulk, bone, and above all, blubber... all while unlocking some omnipotence bit by bit. How long does Kai have to let themself get stuffed before they get over their fears and accept the decorative demigod they're becoming?

Prompt 3) There is a blacken dungeon that is forgotten from ancient times imprisons a Eldritch Goddess. That had the ability to miss with time and reality to her liking.  The goddess with her powers has altered her prison to model after modern day apartments from the far future. where she has a phone, tablet, and a master computer station where she plays games and watches anime. In the corner that lies twin extremely massive pink scales spheres with another set stack on top on them with cartoon panties. The Eldritch Goddess is more akin to a dragoness as she gets off her massive tits to get her day going. She calls herself Sally cause her original name was a struggle to say even for her self. This evening her camera catches a brave party of female adventures entering her prison.  Sally is excited for this she hope that she can trick them to freeing her and at the same time give them flat adventures some massive curves.


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