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TAGS: M/M, Cumflation, Hyper, Growth


It probably wasn’t a good idea to take so many of those things at once, especially seeing as his partner had already popped plenty of enhancers to begin with, but the two of them had spent a pretty penny getting those damned pills in the first place, so they were going to enjoy them to the best of their ability… even if this meant blowing their loads all at once in one explosive night of expansive pleasure.

The hyena in particular was practically buzzing with excitement at the prospect of finally living out their inflation fantasies for the first time in his life, while the wolf beside him could barely contain his near-childish glee at being able to, at long last, turn that wonderful little yeen into an overfilled cum blimp all on his own. Sure, it took several months of saving and the two of them sacrificing an entire vacation they had planned just so they could buy the supplements while they were still in stock, but given how much the both of them desperately wanted to go through that experience at least once in their lives, they were willing to go through with it even with how much they had to throw away to do so. After all, it wasn’t every day that they could fill up a significant amount of space in their bedroom with a single (massive) load of cum without having to worry about health concerns, so why not try it out? Why not indulge, for once?

The pills themselves were extremely simple in what they were supposed to do, even if their make was complex enough to drive up prices substantially: the ones that the wolf took were meant to improve their cum production so that they could effectively become bottomless for the duration of a single sexual encounter, while the ones the hyena was taking like they were pieces of candy were designed to improve… stretchiness, for lack of a better word. The point was, they were supposed to let them live out a cumflation fantasy scenario, and for the low, low price of a few salaries, they had access to a whole box of them, which was supposed to be dosed out sparingly and over the course of several different nights, as opposed to just gobbled up all at once for one massive, magnified effect. It was entirely safe, just a seriously bad use of their money all things considered.

Neither of them cared though; Bio in particular was restless as could be after his pills began to take hold of his body, triggering the increased productivity far sooner than they normally would and prompting him to run to the kitchen to get some water in order to stave off dehydration. By the time he came back, just barely thirty seconds later, the wolf’s package was already engorged far beyond its regular turgid size, so much so that the poor thing was panting, his breath clearly labored, and his steps had turned into a waddling motion as he tried to walk while carrying around two quickly-filling watermelons between his legs, and a shaft that reached halfway up his torso and kept creeping up more and more the longer he went without sticking it somewhere where it could stretch someone out. Their eyes were unfocused, their hands weak as he dropped the water bottle on the ground and had to keep one palm on the wall beside him just to keep his balance, all while the other clutched his chest. Zrout was about to ask him if everything was alright, if the pills had somehow done something they weren’t supposed to… at which point the wolf let out a long, unbelievably whorish moan-turned-howl as his nuts bloated to over twice their size in but an instant, large enough to go below his knees, and his cock similarly swelled upwards until its tip was dangerously close to the bottom of his chin.

The size was… daunting, even if the hyena knew that his body was supposed to be able to take it after the supplements worked on his elasticity. At the very least, it looked like that final size burst was the last one the two of them would have to worry about, at least for the cock; though that immense shaft was nice and glazed over by the amount of pre flowing down its sides, this wasn’t enough to deal with the colossal spike to productivity going on inside of Bio’s cum factories, which just kept on swelling the longer the wolf went without properly venting some of the pressure. Didn’t take long for Bio to hop onto the bed and pin the tinier Zrout underneath him, spreading the hyena’s arms and legs out as he struggled to try and aim his tip towards the hyena’s tailhole, finding very little clearance in which to do so. With a little bit of acrobatics and some stretching of his own, however, Bio somehow managed to press the tip of his colossal pillar of cockmeat against his mate’s rear end, and from there, it was impossible for him to really control himself.

The sheer pressure he felt in his nuts ensured that Bio took that opportunity and ran with it as hard as he possibly could, immediately ramming himself into the tinier hyena without even thinking if it was possible, or indeed if it was safe for the poor thing underneath him. Sure, they’d taken some pills to help, but neither of them knew if they were even acting on their body or not, or even if they would do anything at all; then again, when one had a cock that was as long as one’s torso and a set of cum factories so overproductive that their gurgling and churning were already louder than their owner’s constant whining and begging for them to get even bigger, it was hard to make rational decisions.

Thankfully, the supplements Zrout took work beautifully to keep his body from falling apart once he had that colossal rod jammed into him; Bio hilted himself fully into the hyena, and yet despite completely rearranging their internal organs, what the two of them saw was a cock-shaped bulge being pushed up against the other canine’s belly, clearly defined against his stretched skin and looking exactly like those videos they’d constantly share with one another and fantasize about. It was everything they’d ever dreamed of, everything they ever wanted, and now that it was actually happening right there in front of them, it was time for the second stage in their kink play for the evening.

It wasn’t enough that the hyena was being used like a condom and even stretched out like one as well. It wasn’t enough that the burly wolf on top of him had begun to move his hips with uncharacteristic strength, pistoning into their smaller partner and making short work of their body with how much that cock kept shoving itself into it and nearly impaling poor Zrout from end to end. No, the two of them wanted more, needed more, and seeing as the hyena was screaming at the top of his lungs for his mate to go harder and faster despite the obvious damage being done to him, there wouldn’t be a lot of time before the floodgates began to open and the real show began, the real reason why the two of them spent so much money on those pills to begin with: stuffing the hyena to the brim and beyond with so much cum that their bedroom would end up flooded.

They could do it now! Given just how utterly massive Bio’s nuts had become in such a short period of time, the only thing stopping them from making that dream a reality was how much work they put into making the wolf fly off the edge… which, given how close he was to it already, didn’t really take too long at all, though it was doubtful whether or not that deluge pouring into the yeen was proper spunk or just the bigger canine’s version of pre; seeing as he was still pounding away like a man desperate for release, however, it was perhaps safe to say that it was the latter, just magnified so much by the supplements he took that it put most actual orgasms to shame, enough that the yeen was starting to see his belly bloating outwards already just from the initial loads alone!

It was even faster than he had imagined it in his head, even better than he could have possibly expected. To be able to look down and not only see his entire form be wrapped around a cock that was much too big to be inside of him, but also bloated to the point where he looked to be gravid with a whole litter, was nothing short of heavenly; even better considering it just kept getting better with each bucking of the wolf’s hips, which came accompanied by yet more loads of pre being dumped into the hyena, even more mass pumping him up to greater and greater sizes. The best thing about it though, was the simple fact that the wolf’s size was so massive compared to the canine on the receiving end of it, that it created a near-perfect seal, preventing even a single drop from pouring out and keeping all of that deliciously filling pre stored safely within the hyena’s stretchy body. It shouldn’t be possible for him to swell up that hard, but that’s what the pills were for; the magic of medical science!

Zrout was eyeing his partner’s knot each time he managed to wrench himself from the very edge of a lust-induced stupor, trying to see if it had popped out already and whether or not it had undergone a similarly disproportionate size boost in comparison to the cock it was adorning. Unfortunately for him, his own body got in the way long before he managed to see just how girthy it could get, though given what little scraps he managed to glimpse of it, he could only assume that he was going to need every last one of those stretching pills he took in order to have that monstrous knot slam into him and not end up causing lasting damage… to say nothing of how much cum was going to end up pressure-hosed into him, if his belly was already about as large as the rest of him put together and his mate hadn’t even climaxed properly.

The sloshing too was starting to get to both of them, caused not just by the two hyperactive cum factories behind Bio, but also thanks to the sheer amount of fluids roiling around inside of the yeen’s body, constantly stirred by the cock responsible for them being there in the first place and made to churn about like some sort of organic maelstrom. In any other case, it might’ve been a worrying set of sounds, but for them? For those two lovers stuck inside of a room after overdosing on experimental medication? It was music to their ears, it was exactly what they had been wanting to hear for years at that point, and it only served to motivate them further, even if it should have been a warning to turn back around and not push their luck further; there was only one way to go from there, and it involved Bio continuing to pound into Zrout and completely ignoring every sign his body was giving him that he was about to burst.

Because, contrary to what one might expect, gushing with so much precum that he turned his mate into a living water balloon (or cum balloon, as the case may be) didn’t really leave him any smaller or emptier; it didn’t even work to keep him stable at all, with the chemical storm triggered by him taking all of those pills having left his nuts in such a state of uncontrollable productivity that the only thing the wolf could do was keep on pistoning into the yeen and hope for the best, hope that his body would know what to do, because he certainly didn’t. All he knew was that if he looked back, his balls were very clearly reaching the end of their bed and threatened to start spilling over from the side, so full and stuffed that they ached for released; the pain was there, and yet it failed to register properly within Bio’s brain, his nerve endings shot as his mind was overwhelmed by the raw pleasure he was receiving from finally turning his kink dream into a reality. At that point, he didn’t even care that he felt like he was about to explode; he could die a happy man knowing that he had finally turned his beloved Zrout into a life-sized cum blimp, with the yeen so out of it that they couldn’t even blink their eyes properly, their mouth gaping with their tongue lolling out and flopping almost comically.

This state of affairs couldn’t carry on for much longer though. While Bio was possessed of ample stamina, even he couldn’t fight back against a set of nuts that were making the whole bed groan loudly thanks to their weight, the sounds of cum currents smashing into one another filling his ears even as he tried his best to ignore him and focus his attention on the hyena beneath him… which might have been a bad idea, given that the yeen’s body had effectively been turned into an enormous repository of the wolf’s spunk with a torso and legs attached to it somewhere beneath all of that wobbling liquid mass. Such a sight took hold of his control panel and firmly slammed every single button he had on there, with Bio utterly unable to hold himself back anymore; barely five minutes had passed since the two of them had taken the pills, and yet his knot was already popped, he had already slammed it into the yeen, and finally, at long last, the aching pressure in his nuts had begun to dissipate.

On account of it all being transferred, of course.

It seemed that with each clench of those colossal orbs, Zrout’s belly bloated a foot in every direction, that for every time the wolf’s cumtanks gurgled or slorshed more loudly than usual, the yeen’s belly responded in kind, turning their room into an echo chamber of impossibly loud rumbling that just seemed to magnify itself as the shockwaves criss-crossed in midair and on their bodies. All Bio could see was the yeen’s cumgut, swelling in all directions, taking up so much room in their room that, after a short while, even he couldn’t hold it back any longer; the last thing the wolf saw before darkness engulfed him was his mate’s belly, rapidly approaching the ceiling and walls, ready to spread its warm embrace to everything within range. Even while under there, Bio could feel it growing larger, tighter, more pressurized; he could even hear the walls groaning too, as they struggled to hold back against the tide.

But that was alright. He still had plenty more to give.


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