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TAGS: Growth/Expansion/Fill-Up, Excessive Cum, Room-Filling, Hyper, Ball Expansion


As the front door was magnetically locked behind them and the sounds of the hallway outside muted by the automated soundproofing, Asayi couldn’t help but wonder if maybe they weren’t taking things a bit too far. Not that the thought of having his balls grow even bigger and fuller hadn’t been on his mind for some time, because it absolutely had, but mostly because it had only been a few days ever since he brought it up with Alyissa and that absolute beast of a woman already had an experimental genemod ready for them to try out. The tanuki didn’t exactly doubt his friend’s abilities, but surely nothing made in such a short time period could possibly obey the same safety standards as other products in the market… on the other hand, nothing else had ever actually worked, given that his body was already quite well-endowed enough that his nuts only had to fill for a couple of seconds before dragging along the ground and his cock was big to the point where it was longer than his torso was even while flaccid, so this was one of the few occasions where he might genuinely get some sort of upgrade, given the monkey gal’s genius for genetic modification; hell, her body alone was proof positive of this.

Still, it wasn’t every day that Asayi got to live out a dream, so he did his best to push back the concerns and second thoughts and focus entirely on what the genemods were going to do to him. While his friend prepared the injector itself, the tanuki sat down on her couch and inspected himself, trying to get a bead for what the chemical just might do to him; he had a respectable pair of breasts, sure, but the main stars of the show, and the ones that he wanted to improve even further, were those immense nuts taking up so much of the space between his legs. Even for someone of his species, Asayi was enormous, to the point where he chose to forgo any compressor clothing and just had most of his attire custom-made in order to show off every inch of those pendulous orbs; his cock was no slouch either, perfectly capable of being pushed against his shoulder without any stimulation whatsoever, but that day was a ball day, and not just because the tanuki wanted to feel bigger for a short while. Rather, he fully intended to make sure those gains stuck after that night… though mostly because he wasn’t expecting them to be anything special, not after the utter disappointment that every single attempt had been.

Such was the curse of living with a pair of nuts that were so productive by themselves that the amount of gallons he produced in a day easily reached the high three digits, sometimes even rolling over to four if he was particularly aroused, often more if he was engaging in any kind of less than wholesome activity. The tanuki often had to interrupt whatever it was he was doing in order to empty out, and there was a very good reason the draining pump he kept by his bedside to help him keep empty throughout the night was linked to the sewage system running underneath the house rather than its own tank; the last time he was dumb enough to try the latter, he ended up giving most of his bedroom floor a brand new and incredibly thick coat of fully organic paint that took days to scrape off. But this wasn’t enough; or rather, it absolutely was, at least for any proper use, but not in Asayi’s mind. Possessed as he was of a body as marvelously engorged as his own, not to mention an absolutely insane degree of productivity, one could say his standards for what constituted “enough” were slightly skewed compared with most other people’s; to some degree, this is why he and Alyissa hit it off so well, considering the monkey woman’s penchant for self-bodymodding and engaging in some of the more extreme and “out there” gene treatments available out there, and many more of her own devising. Though, admittedly, part of it was because she trusted her friend not to go overboard.

This trust was entirely misplaced, because going overboard was precisely what the scientist preparing the genemod autoinjector was thinking of while preparing the solution. It was so hard to hold back even the best of times, even when she had plenty of reasons not to go crazy, but when it came to someone like the tanuki, then half-measures were just out of the picture entirely; how exactly Asayi thought that someone as lust-addled as Alyissa would ever take things in moderation was nothing short of baffling, because the monkey gal had never once made it anything less than obvious how aroused she was by the tanuki’s mere presence, let alone all those times the two of got a bit closer than just being in the same room together. So many teasing comments, so many gropes, so many occasions where Asayi got to taste the very special flavor that the simian had given to her nips and cock, and somehow he thought that the genemod would only give them enough to be satisfied? Why, she could barely even prepare the injector with the way her own cock was throbbing, banging against the underside of the table with each heartbeat and leading Alyissa to panic slightly each time she thought that her obvious arousal would give away what her true plan was.

Sure, she could’ve created something that gave her friend just enough of a boost in productivity that they would’ve bloated far more than usual, but nothing too insane; enough to leave her slightly stretched out after everything was done and over with, but still fully controllable and perfectly able to fit in the space between their couch and the TV. She could have done that, but she didn’t, because to do so would be to waste both of their times with a subpar experience that could very easily be made to be far more potent and enjoyable with just a simple application of her genius. After all, she turned herself from a perfectly mundane and banal young woman into a curvaceous, stacked and heavy-balled monkey hybrid with banana-flavored nips and a cock that taste just as well going down several feet into someone’s throat, so if she was going to do anything at all, she was going to do it big. Surely, her friend would appreciate it in the end, and thank her for allowing them to experience what it was like to finally go through a proper growth spurt after a whole life of being forced to suffer under the shackles of what nature gave them.

Doing her best to keep her near-psychotic, lustful grin under control, Alyissa put down the finishing touches on the autoinjector and then turned towards the tanuki, making sure to push her own shaft down back into the cloth pocket sewed onto her pants before laying her eyes on Asayi’s package, knowing full well that, were her own allowed to be free when the fun started, she wouldn’t be able to control herself. Instead, the monkey gal gingerly walked forward with one hand holding her shaft down and the other wielding the autoinjector, a wide, toothy smile on full display, hoping that the tanuki wouldn’t catch on to her true intentions when she asked him to lift their shirt sleeve up and give her their arm. For all intents and purposes, it did look like Asayi was ready to put their full trust into whatever chemical concoction his friend was injecting into his system, even if he did feel uncomfortably warm when it began coursing through his veins; the sudden tightness in his chest certainly didn’t help, and neither did the monkey gal’s worried expression when he doubled over and held onto his belly when he felt it turn upside down and feel like he was about to hurl its contents all over the floor… right before it all stopped, the sense of unease vanished, and the pressure, well… that one didn’t go away.

That one went down.

The results were almost immediate, with both of the tanuki’s nuts gurgling exceedingly loudly just seconds after the genemod was applied, their surface rippling as their insides were worked into overdrive in such a short time period that it couldn’t possibly be true; and yet, there it was, happening right in front of him and in full view of his eyes: not only were both of his cum factories producing at such a vastly accelerated rate that Asayi could feel it, but the end result, the swelling, happened so quickly that both him and the simian beside him flinched at how hard both of those orbs began to bloat out! It was like a dream come true, in all of the best of ways… and it apparently didn’t get the memo about stopping, because rather than simply leaving the tanuki permanently grazing against the ground, it kept going until he had to start splaying his legs to the side just to keep them from squeezing his nuts too hard!

“Uuuh, Aly?” the tanuki spoke up, voice shaking as his eyes bulged out harder and harder, “I-Is it supposed to be this quick?”

The simian said nothing; she was simply too giddy over the fact that her plan had worked to put it into words, and as soon as Asayi looked to the side in order to grab his friend’s attention, that’s when he realized just how easily he’d been duped into throwing himself into an obvious trap. He wanted to scream at the monkey gal, berate her for being so willing to throw caution to the wind and potentially endanger her friend, wanted to remind her that it was his idea to get the booster genemod and she had no right to go so far above and beyond what was asked of her… but couldn’t. In all good conscience, the tanuki could not bring himself to complain about what was happening to him, not now that he could look down and watch as both of his nuts inflated with so much pent-up seed that he couldn’t even move his legs at all without them rubbing up in their entirety against those colossal factories’ tight, taut surface, sending so many overwhelming signals up his spine and into his brain that the poor thing could barely even think straight, let alone put anything into words. All he could do was open his mouth and let loose some of the most whorish noises imaginable, leaving Alyissa feeling so hot and bothered that she had to take a few steps back to finally let her cock loose, quickly employing both hands to take good care of it now that she didn’t have to bother hiding how aroused she was at what was happening in front of her.

The same could pretty much be said about the tanuki himself, who no longer possessed the strength of mind to hold back against his more primal instincts. With balls big enough that they wouldn’t fit on the couch and were already pushing against the TV several feet in front of him, and a cock thickening up to compensate for the immense loads it was going to be made to service, was it any surprise that Asayi’s first instinctive reaction was to instantly glue both of his hands on his shaft, pumping it with as much strength and vigor as he could muster? His eyes glazed over almost instantly, legs working by themselves as they rubbed and kneaded those monstrously oversized cumtanks in the hopes of finding some level of relief, even when they began pushing against the other couches besides the main one and pushed the sofa that the tanuki was sitting on back after smushing against the wall. Asayi wasn’t even thinking about the fact that most of his field of vision was taken up by a pair of enormous, stuffed, churning nuts, only that the upholstery he was still somehow sitting on was making a hell of a racket as those cum factories pushed it backwards towards the opposite wall, forcing the simian beside him to take several awkward steps back as she tried to find any room in which to pleasure herself that wouldn’t immediately be overtaken by those balls she helped to create, or poked in the everywhere by a tanuki cock that had already outsized the tanuki it belonged to!

Meanwhile, Asayi was still struggling to comprehend what he was feeling, his mind assaulted every second by sensations and emotions that it didn’t have the brainpower to process or comprehend, all mixing together into a warm pile of slushy, horny goodness that left the poor guy constantly reeling and unable to react to anything that happened to him. Everything was on a delay: if he poked his nuts with one foot, he’d only feel it a few seconds later thanks to the immense backlog his pleasure centers were dealing with, resulting in a mewling, moaning mess that took up increasing amounts of space in their living room, all while the house’s soundproofing was brought to its limit by the infernally loud churning emanating from both of the two orbs that just kept on growing regardless of how many gallons of pre were already spurting out from the tanuki’s engorged tip. Of course, this couldn’t really last for too long; as much as Asayi wanted it to keep going, or at least was aroused enough to wish that it never ended, there was only so much punishment his body could take before something had to budge and the floodgates were opened to relieve the pressure… but it didn’t mean that he couldn’t try and hold it back for as long as he possibly could. Both arms and legs were rapidly wrapped around the immense circumference of his dick, hugging it tightly in a desperate attempt at holding back the tide, even past the point where they couldn’t even go around the whole girth of it, nor have any sort of verifiable impact on his size. It was more wishful thinking than anything else, and the only thing keeping the tanuki from utterly exploding was his own unwillingness to give his body the relief that it so thoroughly craved…

… at least until he felt his back slam against the opposite wall of his living room, and he could no longer control himself.

How long had it been since the transformation had begun, since his balls began to fill so quickly that the TV was flattened and then ground into spare bits of electronics? Minutes? Hours? If Asayi had half a mind left, they could’ve looked to the left to watch as Alyissa was still happily stroking herself, covered in her own cum and with a face that very much betrayed how happy she was at the proceeding… but he didn’t even have that much. Only desire, only lust, only the need to grow and fill until there was no more room left for him to do so, until finally, at long last, his orbs had bloated outwards to such an immense degree that the entire living room was cum-stuffed nut, and he was now having his lungs pressed against the back of his ribcage as his spine was glued to the wall on the other side of where his balls were pushing against. It was heaven, and everything that he could’ve asked for… so not why release?

The first blast would’ve been enough to pierce through the ceiling if it weren’t made out of reinforced metal plates stacked on top of one another, and the second one was angled just well enough to break through one of the windows and give the passers-by down on the ground level something to think about when hundreds of gallons of spunk came crashing down on them… quickly followed by a few hundred more as each clench of those gigantic cumtanks of his made Asayi unload such a ridiculous amount of his seed that it would’ve been comical if not for how impossibly pleasurable it was in reality. The tanuki was screaming at the top of his lungs, managing to overpower even the churning of him cum factories, even succeeding in getting several people in the hallway outside the door to turn their heads and wonder just what in blazes was going on in that one apartment, all while his sack was slowly emptied, at a pace so excruciatingly glacial that it felt like it had been deliberately programmed that way by Alyissa… who by that point was just happy that her friend even could empty out at all, and that her genemod hadn’t been so powerful as to be able to break through solid steel.

With her body in full flow, there wasn’t much that Asayi could do but sit there, limp, watching and feeling and hearing as his package emptied out and shrunk back to a much more manageable size, each successive spurt of cum being somewhat smaller than the last, until the difference became large enough to be noticeable with the naked eye, assuming one took the time to distinguish any kind of shapes amidst the thick coating of white that covered the entire room and extended down the exterior wall of the building and several yards in every direction down below. Within the room, the tanuki gasped for breath, occasionally having to wipe cum off their face just to be able to breathe at all, but it was all worth it.

Through the immense, sticky coating of spunk that would take days to clean up, through all the awkward questions they would soon have to answer, through the mounting annoyance as he remembered just what he had asked of his friend compared to what was delivered, all of it was worth it. Because he just then and there had a good feel for his completely empty nuts, and realized one massively important thing:

They were bigger than before.


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