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TAGS: Anthro, Transformation/TF, Slice-Of-Life, Milk/Lactation, BE, Hyper


The sensation was barely noticeable at first, but the longer she focused on the feeling, the more obvious it became. Manifesting as a sort of pressure inside of her ribcage, it was like someone was slowly inflating a balloon inside of her, a balloon that kept trying to push outward through her body. Linda brought her hands up to her chest, shocked to find that each mound was extremely sensitive to the touch, so much so that Linda thought something might genuinely be wrong with her... wrong enough that an ambulance might be needed. Before she could dig her phone out of her uniform’s pocket, a sudden pressure wave coursed through her, driving forward and slamming into the inside of her torso like a battering ram!,Yelping, Linda nearly fell to her knees, clutching her chest as she jerked about with each blow coming from within.

The impacts kept coming in waves, her breath short and laboured as it struggled to get air through the mounting pressure building just outside of her lungs, squeezing the air from her with each attempt at breathing it in. Linda felt like she was about to choke, unable to scream, unable to beg for anyone to come help her; she was going to die there and no one would notice... and then, just as suddenly as it had appeared, the pressure dissipated, the last traces of it slowly vanishing somewhere on the tip of her breasts. Linda didn’t know how to react; on the one hand, it was an utter relief, like every muscle in her body had just relaxed after tensing up for hours. On the other, she had to contend with a new, sudden swelling pressure now building in her breasts.

“Good Lord, please don’t be that, please don’t be that,” she mumbled to herself repeatedly, “I just spent a fortune on shampoo, please don’t be that…” - her mind was racing at the sight of her shirt beginning to stretch, pinch, and rip in front of her eyes, suddenly making all of that talk about “genetic instability” a very uncomfortable reality - “Great, it is that… why? Why me? Why now?! For fuck’s sake, of all the days, why did it have to be NOW?!”

Despite her protest, her chest refused to stop. Her shirt billowed outwards as her breasts grew, or rather,  filled. She had not realized it at first, but those weren’t just cup sizes she was gaining; with a rumbling lurch, Linda suddenly heard a low, gurgling churning emanate from within her tits, alerting her to something that she hadn’t expected to hear in at least several more years.

“No way…”

The more she tried to convince herself that this wasn’t happening, the more it did, and her breasts continued to grow heavier as mass turned to milk glands turned to milk turned to more milk glands. Her body was out of control, reacting to her sudden burst in size by forcing her breasts to become just as bountiful as they were large. The pressure building behind her nipples steadily grew, causing them to pop out and painfully strain against the fabric of her shirt. Linda was left panicking, and quickly turned to screaming for help as the fabric on her uniform began to give. The door burst open and Linda’s hopes flew, before being dashed just as quickly as a very irritated-looking Ruth stormed in, looking to be as excited as someone who just got told to clean the toilets after a lunch rush. Despite finding Linda curved over on one of the benches, clutching her overflowing breasts and begging for help, she just stood there and stared in disbelief.

“The fuck…” - Ruth somehow managed to wrench her eyes away from her coworker’s overflowing bust, “What the fuck’s wrong with you?! They didn’t tell us you were a goddamn porn freak, why the fuck are your tits growing? Why are you lactating, are you pregnant?!”

If she were in a  calmer state of mind Linda might have done something about the lack of help she was getting; in the state she was in, however, it was hard to think about anything other than screaming at Ruth to do… something. Anything, really, so long as it helped alleviate the pain she was in! The panda gal didn’t want to think about the swelling in her chest, or the pain against her ribcage, or even the pressure in her nipples, especially now that her genetic code was seemingly unravelling right in front of her eyes.

“Do something!”

“What do you mean, do something, what the hell am I supposed to do?!” Ruth bellowed back, taking a tentative step forward, “Am I supposed to milk you by hand, is that what you want?!”

“I don’t know, just do something, I don’t care!”

Ruth’s subsequent expression betrayed what amounted to a confusing mixture of arousal and uttermost revulsion. She couldn’t avoid feeling something carnal stir inside of her; her coworker was nude in front of her and did have a pair of swelling, milk-stuffed breasts that seemed intent on growing regardless of how much that didn’t make sense; then again, this was Linda she was looking at, and Linda didn’t deserve her attention or affection. She didn’t care about what Beth thought, or what “the company” said, the panda girl was a freak of nature and deserved to be treated like one, kept inside a lab room until they could fix her, not sent out to live a normal life like it was perfectly fine to be some kind of disgusting hybrid. It was bad enough that the rest of her colleagues seemed to be perfectly ok with it, even going so far as to be physically affectionate with the woman; only her boss agreed with her, and he had his hands tied thanks to Rivtech’s involvement with Linda’s employment. It was a balancing act of sorts, where on the one hand she did not, under any circumstances, want to go anywhere near that thing on the bench, but on the other no one in that diner wanted to feel the wrath of the company’s legal team slamming down on them like a loose piano.

The fact that she was feeling a non-insignificant amount of physical attraction for Linda at that moment only complicated things further, though at least it was easy enough to discard it as just being a gut, physical reaction to seeing what was, in all honesty, a pretty decent pair of tits. All that said, she still had no clue what she was supposed to be doing at that point; calling for help? Milking the panda girl down to a more manageable size? Calling Rivtech and letting them know their pet freak sprung a leak? All of those were equally valid solutions in her mind, in that none of them had any value at all to begin with. The only “solution” to their problem was to get rid of the panda girl altogether.

But she couldn’t quite just leave her there, could she?

Linda, meanwhile, was having a hard time trying to deny that the sensation of her breasts filling with cream was overwhelmingly potent, the pressure behind each teat causing them to burn hot to the touch! Her cheeks were glowing bright red, not even her fur capable of hiding her embarrassment. The color just as quickly drained from her face as she heard the remains of her top, the last thing barely holding her breasts back, rip themselves apart under the strain, fully releasing her tits and unleashing a small gush of milk that splattered all over Ruth’s feet.

From the pressure, Linda had expected her breasts to be large. Very large. What she didn’t expect was for them to be so heavy! The weight of her freed mounds pulled her from the bench and against the tiled floor, the sudden impact forcing two gouts of hot milk to erupt from her swollen nipples. The panda stared at herself, trying to make sense of what just happened; at no point had she learned of or read about any species of mammal that produced milk without having any young, much less spontaneously without any kind of provocation whatsoever. And yet, that was most certainly milk she was seeing, feeling, smelling and, after her willpower broke in half, tasting.

Her fingers dipped into the stain caused by her spurt, bringing some of the sweet nectar to her tongue and very nearly overwhelming her taste buds with how powerful it was. Above all else, it was undeniable confirmation of something she knew but had tried to deny, in a way that she couldn’t ignore. No rationalization would ever take away the memory of the flavour, the sheer power that hit her tongue in that moment, the burning need for more of it, intense to the point where the panda girl eyed her own nipples with pure, unbridled hunger. Words danced around in her head, mumbled half-heartedly through lips that wanted to consume, not speak, leaving Ruth even more disgusted than she already was.

A small part of Linda, however, recognized the need to snap out of it, which was to say she knew it had to happen, but did precisely nothing to actually accomplish that goal. For several minutes, all Linda did was stare at her own tits as they kept swelling uncontrollably, her hands cupping what portion of them they could, her palms filling with her bountiful nectar in order to bring mouthfuls of it up to her. She drank down, deeply and greedily, feeling its warmth permeate her from top to bottom, until finally, as soon as the first gurgle was heard from her stomach, something clicked inside of her. Perhaps it was the sense of fullness, or maybe her body needed the snack to function properly; whatever the case, the panda girl was back to reality.

Recovering, Linda breathed deeply, the sudden pressure abating for just a moment as her breasts sloshed outwards; the milk within them continued to slosh about freely, but at the very least it seemed to have stopped for just long enough to keep the growth from getting worse. Surveying the damage, Linda felt utterly disorientated: both milkers had grown enough that she could use them as beanbags with ease, and she had to arch her back just to avoid being crushed under their churning mass.

“Are you just gonna stand there and watch?!” Linda shouted, “Call an ambulance, get help, somth--hnnf!”

The pressure was back again, driving her breasts to even greater proportions, the rolling sloshing preceding the churning sensation as she ballooned out and upwards, her breasts rounding out as they filled up even faster than before; cup sizes ceased to be relevant anymore, as she easily breezed through the entire alphabet and kept growing nonetheless, placing such a weight on her back that she was genuinely afraid she wouldn’t be able to get up on her feet anymore. The more the panda girl worried and squeezed, being unable to stop herself, the faster they seemed to grow. Only after Linda bit her lip, forcing herself to focus on the pain rather than on her expanding breasts, did the swelling slowly ebb away and stop, though it took a good five minutes, leaving each of her chest pillows several times bigger than before.

Finally gifted with a reprieve, if just a momentary one, Linda tried to take stock of her situation. Each of her breasts was so many times bigger than before that trying to get a precise measurement on them was all-but impossible; the closest comparison that came to mind was something akin to a large armchair in terms of sheer size, though their consistency and firmness were anything but. Though primarily stuffed with liquid of a sort, they were still impossibly tight, with Linda herself unable to press her fingers into them for more than half an inch, if even that. Furthermore, any pressure placed on them would just make them spurt even more milk than before, giving the panda girl ample justification not to try her luck.

“Why… are you… still standing there…?” she mumbled to Ruth, who, against all odds, had done nothing at all in the whole time she stood there witnessing her coworker’s growth spurt, “Ruth… please…”

It was hard to tell if that was pity or disgust shining in her coworker’s eyes. What was clear was that she wasn’t going anywhere, though by that point it was more due to morbid curiosity than anything else.

“Are you done bloating?” she spat, crossing her arms, “Or should I wait until you’re finished?”

“Ruth, please, I can’t… I can’t…” - Linda’s words began to get caught in her throat, the panda girl biting back tears as she spoke - “Ruth, I’m begging you, please get help…”

The human woman sighed, rolling her eyes in a deliberately melodramatic fashion. She would’ve loved nothing more than to leave Linda there, wallowing in her own juices, as a punishment-slash-reminder of her mistakes. But again, company policy and whatnot; didn’t want Rivtech breathing down their necks. Thus, with a grumble, Ruth turned around and left the staff room; Linda heard her loudly discussing what had happened, followed by the door to the staff room being locked from the other side. Too tired to panic, the anthropomorphic panda instead chose to lie there and let her tiredness get the better of her, dozing off into a comfortable sleep from which she was roused barely… minutes later? All she knew was that Ruth was back in the room, carrying with her an enormous shirt and an equally-massive bra, a small crowd congregating in the corridor just outside of Linda’s field of view.

“Put these on,” she said, avoiding looking at Linda’s flabbergasted expression before turning around and leaving the room, “and the boss wants to see you in the office, honeytits.”

“Did you even bother to tell him I can barely walk?!” Linda called to Ruth’s back, but already she had excused herself, leaving the panda gal to deal with her own size, “Great…”

She was stuck. “Barely” was an understatement, as regardless of how much she tried to move herself from where she was knelt, absolutely nothing happened. The weight on her chest was too heavy, the size of it too obscene for her to deal with. The panda gal still tried; she tried and tried, pushing and pulling and gritting her teeth and practically crying as she called herself a freak inside of her own head. Her transformation into a humanoid animal was already bad enough, and now she had to contend with tits too big for her to move; who was going to deal with her now? How was she supposed to handle her life, move from place to place, hell, cook and clean herself when she could barely move?

It was Rivtech’s fault. Rivtech’s and hers for constantly failing to read the fine print.

These thoughts and more inundated her, washing over her mind until nothing was left but her self-pity and a never-ending stream of lamentations directed at herself. Linda gave up trying to move; it was clear that it wasn’t happening. But what she failed to account for was that she wasn’t nearly as lonely as she assumed she was; though the panda might tell herself that she was alone in the world and no one would ever care for a big-tittied monster like her, Beth saw to it to prove her friend wrong. She’d been looking at the end result of Linda’s transformation from the safety of the hallway, but as soon as Ruth left, she began to take a few tentative steps inside. She didn’t want to get too close, just in case her friend didn’t want her anywhere near... but on seeing Linda begin to sob, her chest heaving as she allowed the tears to flow, Beth couldn’t help it anymore.

The young woman closed the door behind her, nodding towards her coworkers, who all wisely decided that this was none of their business and thus turned around to return to work. Letting loose a sigh to announce her presence, Bethany walked towards Linda, kneeling down behind her… and giving her friend a hug. It was all she could do, really; there were no breast pumps, no milking machines, no nothing that could save the panda from her fate, but what she did have was her warmth, her love and her unconditional support. Beth made sure to wrap her arms as tightly around Linda as she could while still avoiding touching her breasts, letting her know that regardless of what they might think, the two’s bond ran deeper than just her body. They remained sitting there, in silence, until Linda’s tears ran dry and her lurches died down, until she allowed herself to feel the embrace and her muscles relaxed.

And then they waited some more. Bethany’s face was buried deep in Linda’s neck, her breath as warm as her presence. There was nothing else that either of them would want more than to be there, right then, forever; no words, no judgements, just… themselves.


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