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It was a big night for them, and that meant a suitably large snack was necessary beforehand. The brainfreeze was never something the panda enjoyed feeling, but without it they would never get to experience the kind of thrills that such an encounter could provide. They’d been waiting for it for so long that the mere thought of finally getting to spend some private time with them was enough to leave them weak-kneed and giggly, making the process of drinking the milkshake far more onerous than it had to be.

As usual, they stood in front of a mirror to better appreciate the changes brought about by the sugary sweet. It was important not to overdo it, or else they might end up a bit too rounded around the edges to move around properly; their body was nothing if not malleable, making moderation something of the utmost importance! Still, the sight of themselves fattening and thickening out in real time was always something that made them blush hard enough for their cheeks to turn neon-red, doubly so when their breasts came in and filled enough to occupy a significant portion of her upper torso. They were rivalled only by her plushy cheeks down below, which always widened just enough to make moving between rooms take more effort than it should for any self-respecting temptress such as herself.

That night was going to be different though, as Dafang was quite certain they’d have a hard time moving at all by the time they were finished. The young panda she was meeting was obviously well-endowed, and from the few comments they made seemed to indicate they were about as virile as they were large; and she had plenty of ideas for what to do with someone like that, ideas that left her cheeks somehow even redder than before.

Next: the clothes. Or rather, whatever she had on hand that counted as clothing, ending up with a pair of shorts and a tube top that could easily be ripped apart. The two had agreed to meet in some hot springs, making the decision of what to wear be so far down the priority list that Dafang quite nearly forgot it was even there at all; she was halfway to the door before remembering most people didn’t appreciate it when she walked around entirely naked. Slapping her choice of attire on her as quickly as possible and double-checking her bags to ensure everything was there, the panda was in her car and underway in less than ten minutes, a wide, dreamy smile stamped on her face all the way from her home to their destination. She saw his car parked outside already, and after getting out of her own was met by the sight of her date for the night.

He was short, he was meek, he was perpetually embarrassed and yet he packed a shaft large enough to poke out from the bottom of his pant leg without any extra blood being pumped into it, and a pair of nuts so full that his jeans needed special pockets just to hold them. The few people that still remained outside the spa motel all looked at him unashamedly, some even stopping to stare, which undoubtedly contributed to his decision to rush forward and seek refuge in her date’s bosom. He was just the right height to stuff his face in there too, leaving Dafang to find newer and greater heights to how luminescent her cheeks could become.

“Maybe we should go inside?” she suggested, pushing him away to give him some room to breathe, “I made sure to make reservations for a private pool~”

“I’d love to! Lead the way?”

Always the enthusiastic sort. To think the two met in a shopping aisle and bonded over the ridiculousness of the waiting time; to this day, she had no idea how one thing even led to another, but the truth of the matter was they hit it off and carried on talking to one another after exchanging phone numbers. A couple of dates later and they were about ready to take it to another level, even if Dafang wasn’t quite ready to reveal just what made their plump body so attractive to Damien; he was the open-minded sort, but that was the sort of thing one kept to outside their bedroom escapades.

The clerk at the front desk was not polite enough to ignore the proportions of the two people that walked in next, though they at least had the decency not to make any jokes at their expense when giving them their room keys. Within a few minutes the panda couple was getting ready to hit the spring, and though Damien insisted that they could so together with no shame, Dafang insisted on keeping to separate dressing rooms. Not out of any sort of modesty, but because she wanted to make an entrance.

Thus, after the smaller of the couple spent a good five minutes soaking, the larger panda made a show of sashaying into view, ensuring that her towels were kept nice and tightly wrapped around her form right until she hit the edge of the water. For a second there, Damien thought she was about to plunge into the water with those things on, presumably to keep the tease going until he burst, but his date had other ideas; it had been some time since she had someone that adorable to play with, so the towels came off and her whole body was exposed for him to see, her hands slowly edging towards her hips right before she turned around to give him a good, full view of her plump ass.

“Like it? Been working on it all day long,” she mused, not quite lying at that, “bet you can’t wait to get your hands on this, can you~?”

Poor Damien was too awestruck by what he was seeing to reply properly. His jaw might as well have unhinged from how open it was, and the tip of his rod was now visible bobbing on the surface of the water a couple of feet away from him. It gave Dafang a good target to aim for after she descended into the pool, immediately forgoing any foreplay whatsoever and straddling the smaller panda’s cock, making sure to rub up against him as obviously as she could.

“I’m not in the mood for playing around,” she declared, smooching her date on the forehead, “so why don’t you live up to your words and show momma a good time~?”

“Y-yes ma’am!” was Damien’s immediate response, his cock twitching at the same cadence as his words, “Where… w-where should I start?”

“Good question” - the larger panda swam backwards, giving the other one some room to move his junk about before standing up and looming above him, steam already coming off of her - “why don’t you start with my tits and we’ll move from there? Nuh-huh, not with your hands~” - Dafang held one finger up when Damien moved to her start squeezing - “Definitely not with your hands, darling.”

It took the shorter bear a couple of seconds to process what his partner was asking, and even then he had to undergo the painful process of putting the pieces together before going bug-eyed, his voice too laden with stammering to come up with an adequate response. As if on auto-pilot, he still got on his feet and moved to get closer to Dafang, before swiftly pushing them onto the water and straddling her for change; his eyes were glazed over and unfocused, leaving the one below him to feel slightly worried about what might happen, but the moment he began his work proper, all concern was thrown out the window.

Dafang’s body was stretchy and malleable, and that meant a few certain things held true about it that didn’t for others. In this particular instance, the most important aspect was her ability to take in sizes far surpassing what she should be able to; and while this might apply to a lot of people besides her, this trait wasn’t unique to her nethers. It took a bit of work for Damien to push his tip past her nipple, enough that the poor little thing had to ask for help and ended up using Dafang’s hands for leverage, but with some elbow grease and a whole lot of moaning on both ends, he broke through the proverbial threshold and sent both of them to places they had never visited before.

For the bustier panda this was all part of a plan that had been in the making for years at that point; never before had she been given that opportunity, as none of her partners ever considered going so far as to pleasure her in that way, either because it didn’t interest them or they were far more concerned with such trivialities as whether or not it was “biologically possible”. Damien, meanwhile, agreed with the idea faster than Dafang could even propose it, which was partly to blame for why she chose a private venue like a motel to try it out. Truth be told, she had no clue what might happen; sweets and treats may give her a figure to make most adult “models” jealous, but this was a different kind of cream filling altogether, so who knew what might happen?

Damien seemed quite happy to help her find out, as any and all compunctions he might’ve once had were no longer in view. It was an odd angle to thrust into her, especially considering how huge the young man was between his legs, but he managed somehow; the air was filled with the sounds of wet slapping as the smaller panda’s cock rammed into the bigger one’s tit, his balls splashing in and out of the water hard enough to cause a series of rippling waves. And the best part was that it wasn’t even properly started; Dafang had found in Damien her match in terms of stamina, to the point where she often finished first before he had the opportunity to. Given the state of affairs had left her even more aroused than usual, it was not surprising that she was gushing with juices within just a couple of short minutes, her voice cracking when a moan erupted from her open mouth, her lover too far away for her to force the two of them into a kiss.

Not that she was being left empty; it seemed like Damien wasn’t kidding when he made passing references to how leaky and productive he was, because the amount of pre oozing out of her nipple was patently ridiculous. It was thicker than most cum she’d had the pleasure of being pumped full of, and came in quantities so immense that it was hard to believe it wasn’t some kind of miniature climax on its own. It was already having an effect on her, as her left breast was becoming noticeably more swollen than her right one; it posed an interesting conundrum for when Damien reached his climax, or it would had Dafang’s mind not been broken into pieces by the realization her plan was coming to fruition. Soon enough her tits would be the largest they’d ever been, and all thanks to the contribution of a very eager suitor who she was convinced would get to see her own bed sooner rather than later.

Not that any of these thoughts were that clear; they were suggestions, whispered into her by the part of her brain that was still anchored to reality. Most of her was out for lunch and wouldn’t come back until they were both finished, which mercifully took place about fifteen minutes after Damien began to pound into her like a wild animal. With a low grunt and no end of trembling, her lover clenched all over, his balls gurgling loudly enough to be heard, his cock bulging out as his load travelled down its length. In mere moments, Dafang was feeling the hot blast of his seed hitting her somewhere she couldn’t even describe… and she wanted more. The panda’s arms were quick to wrap themselves around her smaller lover’s back, keeping him nice and pinned where he couldn’t escape from her grasp. There would be no running away until he was completely empty… or at least until he was too far away for her to properly hold onto him anymore.

Dafang hadn’t properly considered the possibility that her bust might grow to become too large for her to be able to reach Damien, but that’s exactly how things were turning out to be. Whether it be because her body was naturally stretchy, owing to her transformative nature, her partner’s seed having some sort of special property to it or some odd, unholy combination of both, the breast that the smaller panda had chosen to shove his cock into was growing at an alarming rate… and so was its twin. The idea that they might be “sharing” the load was patently ridiculous, and yet despite its physical impossibility, Dafang was clearly seeing her bust expand in every direction; though “bloat” might be a better word for what was actually happening to it. Certainly didn’t help how the one nipple that wasn’t stuffed began to leak something that, while white, was definitely not her own milk, leaving her so weak-kneed that she was very, very happy for being sat down. Damien had surprising stamina as well, carrying on with his frantic thrusting even far past the point where his climax should’ve made him stop from exhaustion alone; all of this combined and conspired to grant the larger panda a pair of breasts of a size that, quite honestly, she had never expected to see on herself.

By the time her lover was done, she was practically unrecognizable. It took pushing him off for her to get a glimpse of what had been done to her, and even then it required several minutes of intense physical effort during which she dragged herself over to a large mirror by the side of the pool. The suddenly-very-well-endowed woman already knew what she was going to see was something completely out of the ordinary, given those things were attached to her and she did have to carry them around, but nothing could’ve prepared her for the sight of her breasts, hanging so low as to completely obscure her torso, and yet keeping so little sag that they could barely be said to droop at all. They were utterly stuffed as well, bulging out in every direction and protruding so far from her torso that they were practically comical on her frame… if she didn’t wear them so damn well. A single look at herself was enough to make Dafang want to sink her hands into her own bust and never let go, damn the consequences or anything else that might happen; they were heavy, full, stuffed, immense… but they could be better.

She felt the milk inside of them, knew how much of it there was, but try as she might she couldn’t find any sign of tightness on her. If she squeezed, her fingers vanished into her soft breastflesh, with it overflowing for just a few brief moments before completely engulfing her hand. And while this was more than acceptable, it also triggered a certain something within her mind that begged, nay, demanded more. It wasn’t that she wanted it, she needed it; it was a fundamental necessity now, something that had to happen as far as she was concerned. But how? She was already naturally milky, so surely anything that could be used to trigger it would no longer work… unless she went back to the basics, of course. After all, it was Damien’s cum that had brought her to that size, so clearly it would also be the solution to her problems; applied laterally, rather than directly.

The poor male was still adrift in the pool by the time his lover approached him, his colossal cock twitching in midair as he floated about, showering his chest with their own juices. The waters themselves were stained heavily by the man’s fluids, only made worse by the trickle escaping from Dafang’s teats; that said, the most disturbance came when her immense udders splashed onto the water, creating so many waves that even the larger panda gal was surprised, not being used to carrying around sizes like those. It made for a wonderful sensation when approaching her “prey”, feeling the resistance they put up against being moved in the water, and knowing that they were just going to get worse.

It was hard to tell who exactly was in control. Dafang was bigger, yes, and was the one making the demands, but Damien was the one with the source of the larger panda’s pleasures, not that he would ever deny her anything. It was a complicated balancing act where both of them had to pretend that someone was in charge, lest they fall into the realization that neither of them were truly in control of what was happening to them. Damien had long-since transferred ownership of his body to the lower brain sporting a raging stiffie, while Dafang was far more led by the desire to grow even larger than anything remotely resembling conscious thought. The resolution to this conflict was about as wholesome as anything had been with the two of them, with the bigger of the coiuple outright ordering the smaller one to climb onto her shoulders and stick his cock down her throat, a command that Damien was more than happy to obey.

What followed was a confusing amount of minutes where everything they experienced could be reduced to the rhythmic thrusting of a colossal shaft of cockmeat into a throat too tight to take it… which nonetheless did. Dafang could barely breathe from the sudden intrusion, Damien as well thanks to the physical strain, and yet neither of them stopped to think that maybe they should quit while they were ahead. The panda gal in particular was already having her vision tunnel from the lack of oxygen, while her lover could feel his muscles practically liquifying from how much they were being forced to work, all while their senses were assaulted by wet thwapping and Dafang’s chin grew progressively more bruised from the impact of those nuts on her face. Anyone looking from outside would be wondering just how in hell her throat could bulge out like that, and frankly? Neither of the two lustbunnies had an adequate response. It just was.

Couldn’t last for long though. Both were already exhausted from the first exercise in obscenity, leaving them with very little energy to use up after going for a second round. Not that this had any impact on the payload, obviously; the resulting explosion of cum was enough to very much fill Dafang’s stomach up to the point where she appeared to have developed a nine-month pregnancy… in about the first of many, many seconds. What saved her was how eager her own body was to take all of that juicy protein and turn it into something else; or two somethings, as the case may be.

It was utter madness to think that she could make herself milkier by guzzling down cum like that, and yet somehow, against all odds, that’s exactly what happened. Not only did she feel the impact of the sudden productivity slam into her like a freight train, she felt the weight behind it as well; those milky blimps on her chest eventually just sunk thanks to the sheer density of her cream, and when her nipples couldn’t adequately vent it all, then said blimps just started growing! It took until they covered most of her body and were several feet wider that her torso each before her teats became large enough to handle all the flow, staining the pool’s water white and leaving both pandas feeling exceedingly warm once it began swirling around them.

But that wasn’t all; not even in the slightest. Her tits took the lion’s share of Damien’s eager donations, but her ass had long-since been neglected and wouldn’t be having it any more. What her bust didn’t steal for itself would settle mostly on her rear and thighs, her body practically groaning as it turned more and more of that continuous downpour of seed into plush, pudgy panda meat, giving Dafang a figure that, while not perfectly symmetrical, was at least equally delectable both above and below the waist. Made for a wonderful way to get out of the pool too; the combined girth of her asscheeks and thighs, by the time they were done growing, was enough to push most of her above the waterline. They too were wider than she was, though that was hardly an achievement by that point; most of her assets could claim that accolade.

A long, drawn-out breath followed Damien removing himself from within his partner, hoping to fall backwards onto the water but instead sinking into Dafang’s cleavage instead. The latter sputtered and coughed, globs of thick spunk erupting from her mouth and coating the topside of her tits for several seconds before she found a way to clear her airways, and even then she was still struggling with the immense load inside of her. Their belly didn’t escape the ravages of Damien’s delivery; while her bust and rear had taken a significant chunk away from it, she was still… well, not fat, really, but bloated, enough to make it slightly embarrassing. She could only imagine what things were gonna be like after they rested, especially given how her boytoy seemed about as big and ready to go as always. In fact, if she wasn’t seeing things, his balls seemed bigger than they were before he had a go at her. And his cock was throbbing even harder.

… and that was certainly not a glint of platonic love in his eyes.

She might’ve bitten off a bit more than she could chew.


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