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Information screen.

If you see the info screen in the recent Patron update you will noticed how it looks... kinda ugly and clunky... So, the idea is to create a new way to interact with this screen and being able to move around them with more ease while keeping the screens more clean with less buttons.

Imagine a directional pad, instead of buttons for moving around, there will be three methods, one for PC, another for Android, and one that would work for both:

  • PC: Arrow keys; Pressing these would make the player navigate through each screen.
  • Android: Touch gesture; Sliding the fingers through the screen would change them in the same way arrows do.
  • Both: Buttons on screen; Buttons that can be clicked or touch directly on each side of the scree and would be hide while un-hover.

Now, this is the way in which say arrows would move through each screen, from Rei, right would move to Evan, then, left will return to Rei, up to wholesome info and so on.

This are the two ways that I'm thinking about making these screens, the first option is the one that I feel is better because Rei and Evan screen get unlock since the first time they met, during the second phase, when interactions get unlock, the wholesome info screen gets unlock and after having sex for the first time the lewd screen does. In this way each phase is representing in the information screen by going up each time.

That is all about the Information Screen, this update will be available with another features in order to have a better packed update.

The beginning of the end.

Sack is working on the CG's and the doggy style scene at the moment, meanwhile I will start writing what we have left to do is;

  • Write more daily events.
  • Write more events for the lewd scene endings.
  • Write the endings.
  • Revised the entire existing writing.

The first thing that I'm going to do is revising the first two phases of the game, fixing all the Spanish writing and adding the new expressions into old events, this in order to have something for the translators to work with, at the moment we have receive propositions for French, German and Japanese aside of English, any other language and help to put it into the game will be well receive.

The second thing that I would do is an WIP version of the endings because... the next public update will be the last one, the builds after would be exclusive for Patreon/Itch.io and then Steam.

Before the game stop being public, I want to give a taste of the endings for those who play the game only when we go public.

That is all for now, more updates in few days, if I can, the next one would be release before the month ends with a surprise in the middle of the same one~


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