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The reason why the Twins will have their own game.

At the beginning of the development of Broken & Loved, we plan on adding more characters to the cast, however, we have limitations like Sack  having no time to work fully on the game and Jack needing to re-learn how to program, also, both having not experience working on videogames/visual novels.

We where like seven people working the early days, we plan to have five romantic interests, our team was reduced to four and we decide leave it as three characters, when only Sack and Jack where the only left, we decide to keep the three characters but work only on one because we don't have resources, neither good equipment or Patreon, also not time to work with the game...

However, while we work on the Evangeline route, we don't realize how her route was becoming more and more complex, extend and wide, at this point of development, even if from the beginning we plan the Twins, now in order to add them to the current project we need to basically destroy the game and rebuilding to work around them in the plot, because of this we take this decision.

About Broken & Loved 2.

Believe it or not, is more quick to create a new game instead of adding them to the first one, the amount of work that we need to do was equivalent to make another game, and that is why we decide to make a sequel for them. We think is the best option because it would please most of our fans:

  • The twins will have their own plotline with the same writing and art style.
  • This will not change the plot or dating mechanics of the first B&L.
  • Their content will be delivered more quickly than them being DLC.

About what the plot would be, is the same that we plan for the twins, we where just starting to plan how they will interact with Evangeline, so, not much content would be lost. For this project we will add new main characters, a girl, a guy and a futanari, just like with B&L, Sack is going to work on their personalities just like she did with Rei.


I'm sorry to not offer more details, we want to keep secret what the plot-line about the Twins will be or what would be the setting, we just completed their personalities, in the free time during B&L we would work on the game and after the development is done (Three months from now) we will work immediately on Broken & Loved 2, we expect to have the first build done two months later.

Part of the code of the first B&L would be use on the second game, this would save us a lot of time and get things don quickly, still, we would make some improvements for the second game.

Because the Twins where promised during the development of the first game, we are going to give a free copy of Broken & Loved 2 for Itch.io and Steam when available for anyone who have $10.00 life time with us or bought the first game on Itch.io before the first alpha gets released.

About the extra content for the first B&L, we will add more content for Evangeline to compensate the Twins moving to their our game, 

 We hope this news are pleasing to all of you, we think this was the best choice, allow us to write more content for Evangeline, be more focused on the Twins and saving time on development without changing the direction of the games.

Expect more information in the next days:

  • Poll for the final design of the Twins.
  • Survey for the new main character.
  • Details about the plotlines and the Twins personalities.

Thanks for your support, we hope this is pleasant announcement for you, if not, please consider why we take this decision and trust about how this was the best option from our perspective.

With love: Jack & Sack.


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