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Well... these has not been good days but we can't excuse ourselves either.

Jac: I have to admit that I didn't work full time in the game because some personal problems surge, I had a lot of things to do everyday and in my free time I'm just programing or playing videogames, there is so little time lately to work or just relax... however, I don't think is fair that you guys are supporting the game with so little progress from our part.

A build was promised for May that never came, people who support us don't recieve what we promised and we are really sorry for that... No matter what it takes or how I feel, this month is going to be release a new build of this game, I think that is enough of excuses from my part.

Sack is working on the art for various elements for the game, she has an even more busy life than me, so, please be patient about new art for the game, she is working as much as she can.

Working on:
- Merging the ero demo in the main game.
- More dialogues outside the ero scene refering sexual interactions.
- Aditional dialogues and events to enter and exit the ero scene.
- Progress in the main story.
- Expand current dialogues with multiple options.

While programing we encounter more and more problems and inconsistencies in the code that need to be fixed, and also more problems surge after trying to implement the ero scene... we have some work to do, this demo needs to come this month.

That is all for now, again, we apologize for the delay on this demo... thanks for being with us until now.



Life happens, but I appreciate reaching out. Do continue to do your best, as I see, the novel just started and your patrons are understanding- keep your spirits up. I'm personally going to switch between the three tiers as I have intentions to support the both of you through this project, so you will at least have me.