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Hello everyone!

As you may noticed this week I have been a bit less active than normal with updates... The reason is that in MONDAY I had suffered a HACKER ATTACK...

Somehow a guy had get access to my GOOGLE account hacking and changing all my info, passwords, etc. He stole my YOUTUBE channel and use it for him, etc.. It has been a hell... couse I had to protect all my passwords, accounts that were linked to that GOOGLE account, get in contact with GOOGLE (that part has been very stressfull), etc

So yeah! I haven't get back my account yet but it's time to get back to work!! :)



Oh that sucks, hackers why they target the common folk I will never understand. I do hope that you will get your account back.


That’s horrible and I hope you manage to get your account back

Red Brachydios

Fuckin hell, wish the best. My money was hacked a month ago. It's hell. Good luck!


Joer man, lo que no te pase a ti... 😅 Espero que esté todo bien y se haya quedado en un susto.