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Ya Donut got marriedddd that's been a perfect way to start :>

Getting some housekeeping done (partially cuz there's meant to be another big ol' winter storm tomorrow & in case we lose power again I wanna get this update done already -w-; ). This past year's been pretty hard with the financial and health issues, and still have a lot of commission work to get through. Really wanting to get back to original comics stuff as much as I possibly can this year; basically narrowed it down to two main ideas:

• a spacefaring series called Captain Myrsi where the big booty Makaran pilots a salvage ship
• a slice-of-life series called Mira's Place where Mira, Miss K & Dr Cross do some mad-science-slumming in their "research" beach house

Probably gonna stick to single-panel type things at least to start, I seem to do best with those. If there is a continuity expect it to be loooose cuz I do best with that also. I'M A HACK :V
Time willing I wanna do some more fanart polls again also cuz I miss those.
I messed up permissions on the previous hi-res folders & somehow never bloody noticed, so here are the new ones, please let me know if there are any issues with viewing or downloading or whatevs:




Hope everyone's having a peaceful New Year. Me & the wife are gonna try to stay warm over here ^^;




Congrats on the union. Glad to see you back.


Thank you so much for putting these archives together! ❤