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I hope you are all well.

This year has been rough. I didn't get to as much art I had planned. By a lot.
Next month I am stepping away for a week or so. My wife and I are going on a therapy retreat to regain our selves again. PTSD happens from all manner of directions.
Constant emergencies and my mind fixating mostly on the art I should be doing has me frazzled. I'm fine. Just very on edge constantly.
Art will trickle out as I have moments. I can not express how much your support means to me financially. I ask you to stick around, but fully understand the economic situations and diminished rewards for what you pay to see, is a bum stick. I hope to see you back when my headspace is cleared a little again.
I hold guilt for not getting more art done here. This is my only form of income at the moment and it should reflect as a day to day job. It will be again soon.
Eternally grateful for the journey with you all so far,


David Fenger

I'll be sticking around. Try to keep yourself sane. Well, sane-ish. Too sane, and we wouldn't get to see all this fun stuff. Hopefully next year is a better one.

Thea Inanimate

Take a well earned break Tom and come back as refreshed as you can. I'll still be here wishing you well and waiting to see what you come up with :)