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  I was helping my parents out for the weekend and have been helping handle funeral arrangements for another family member. Organizing the gatherings, churchstuff  and the like for the last couple weeks has kept me from art.
 There will be a flood of art on the way after this weeks multiple needs away from home.

                                                        For the new members.
 Thank you for your support. I wish I could thank and reply to everyone right now. I hope you dive into the (poorly) organized tag listings and find some new art. Leave a comment. I dig knowing what people like to see more of, comments do tend to guide my work. Unconsciously or not...? Who knows. It is what t is and you are all cool people just for being here to look at my work. You rock just for being here now.
Thank you.

Now. I'm off to try to sleep. Cheers my friends.

Here's a sketch I scanned ages ago. It may become one of the ones I finish up when I can. Right after a couple commissions get finished. I am soooooooooo late getting them finished. 



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