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Heads up. This is about to get personal. If you want to enjoy the picture while skipping this missive, more power to you. I love you all the same. May your day be great. Thank you.

Now. On to the heart of what will be coming for future commission spots, patreon art, comic pages, already paid for commissions, thank you art, streaming ect....
All these and more are in my mind to dive deep into soon. I have missed drawing.
Backstory in brief;

Four years ago my grandparents sold their house and bought an RV to travel around in. Grandpa (GP) had a medical emergency, shortly after he was released Grandma (GM) would have a medical emergency.
I hosted them as caregiver for those four years. GM started to have memory problems late last year and deteriorated fast.
The last three months has been a struggle to just rest for a short period. I was working with them to find an apartment. We found one, paperwork was 99% done but something happened at the last second. It fell through. Hard. I had a little breakdown. I have people around me right now helping me. My parents are now legal guardians of her and now are their primary caregivers. The weight of my responsibilities lifted and I am recovering. I have to get out of the financial hole I am in fast. Commission spaces will be open as soon as I can mentally handle the task, or the bank forces it. Heh.

 "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."
                        -Ferris Bueller
"Time is an illusion.: Lunchtime doubly so."

                         -Ford Prefect to Arthur Dent

For now I feel a little like the doll here. Broken apart and pieces scattered. Once I collect myself again I promise you a slow build to a lot of art. I miss this so much.
I miss you all so much. Take care of yourselves. Reach out to a loved one. Even if that loved one isn't family. Hug yourself. You are cherished.

Yours in the journey of life, immortaltom



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