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I am asking for financial assistance. Help. Link below for donation option.

  The short of it is this, I need to pay for an ambulance ride I can not afford and need help just paying household bills, electricity, water, internet.  
  As for the reason, it is deeply personal.

  I am still handling the family crisis. It's hard watching someone you love fade. This is hitting home on so many levels for me and I have to remain strong to give the support I have to give right now. Be the shield my family needs right now. And so far I am succeeding to exhume that control and compassion.
   Inside I am shattering. I don't know what to do. No one can know what to do. It is an individual experience morphed by the people we want to help.
I know, this is life. This is the human experience.

 The many pieces of advice I am offered, end up being more like platitudes. I know they are heartfelt words of care, love, understanding and empathy. The words just sink away. It's an indescribable void I have never experienced. I am hurting emotionally in my soul.

  I have only a week or so left of the crisis at hand. Another will follow this one but is expected and already being workshopped among other family members. I will break down in private after the last steps are finished.  If you are still reading this, thank you. If nothing, you have given me a brief time and space to vent some frustration. I will not even try to express how much that helps emotionally today. Thank you. You are amazing. Never underestimate your value.
           Thomas your ever lovin', immortaltom

(P.S. Please share this among the many communities we are all frequenting. I am going to go dark for a couple days most likely. Don't be alarmed, I will be back soon. Cheers.)
(P.P.S Leave a comment on an artists work today, it doesn't need to be deep or overly gushing. They will get the endorphin bump and a smile most likely. The artists in our communities do hard laboring work. Reward them a little. :D )

  Update 2 ( https://www.patreon.com/posts/emergency-update-78857178 )

 Update 3 I had a bad day yesterday, today is much better. I even had a few minutes to work on some art. I haven't finished it yet, but it goes into sizes I have not done much of. I hope it will be fun for more than the one who suggested the idea.
I added a raw sketch to the attachments here. It's not what I'm working on. Just one I don't think I'll finish. I may return to the image for a re-draw sometime.
Thank you all for your patience.



Garry watts

Hope your life gets better soon I brought you 3 cups of kofi


Things are a little tight at the moment but I gave what I could. Best of luck.


Thank you for your contribution while times are tight. I understand fully. Just your comment helped make my day. Thank you.