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I am not driving to a hospital today. We are waiting for results from medical tests, it looks like my grandfather may be dealing with leukemia. He is more of a father figure to me than my dad. I am exhausted emotionally and physically right now. Today will be a little bit about recharging my dead brain batteries. Catching up on a few messages as I can and just taking a personal mental health day.

Apologies for the art absence. Commissions and rewards are on the way soon. I am just burned out on life at the moment and need a day to collect myself.

Thank you for your patience.

I am in a little financial hole again, so if you have any friends who might like to support me here, please send them this way. I am struggling and trying to ignore my financial woes for the moment. Everyone has been unbelievably kind to me and the words, noted and comments help. I am very sorry if I don't thank you directly. It's not on purpose, it's just a moment in time that has me beat down. 


Garry watts

No apologies needed we all crash and burn some days and just know your loved and supported by people you may never meet but hold you in the highest esteem