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This month I will be doing some changes to tier rewards, removing the hat pull (if you want to know how that is going to work send me a note and I'll send a reassuring reply. ;) ) and attempting to get more art done for you all as exclusives. :D I am going to as well be starting some studies in self taught animation. Should be interesting. This weekend I am going to be gone till next Tue. and hitting the ground running hopefully when I get back. :D 

I know killing off the two dollar tier will alienate a great deal of you and I don't do it with malicious or greedy intent. My rent is going up and if I don't have a little more coming in I will have to get a part time job to pay bills. Right now I am just barely scraping by thanks to my wife and your support.  A part time job means less time to get art done and less content being put out regularly. Now, that doesn't mean I am not going to post any under $5 tier arts. I want to make sure some exclusives are released for those who are generous enough to support me in even the smallest amount. I know better than most how a dollar sometimes really needs to be stretched. And I never want anyone spending more than they can afford. If you have to pick between supporting me and eating a little better, always pick the eating part. Food is a joy in itself. :D

All that having been said I do hope you all stick around. I will still be doing weekly art votes, $10 and $25 tier art rewards and some free art every month that isn't part of a 'lottery' or 'raffle' of any kind. Again, note me if you are wondering what that means. ;D

I don't see a day where I don't realize how lucky I am and how amazing you all are. The community here is great and I do enjoy chatting with you all. The addition of a camera to my live sketch sessions means I plan on doing more live sessions and at least one members exclusive live session a month as well with free sketches. :D

Stick around all. It's about to get different. And we do all fear change. . . :P


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