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Yup, that's right, after 19 years living in the rent on provincial capital (which is where I call it "home sweet home" and I lived on my own for nearly 5 years), it's finally come to an end. The owner of the rent wants it back to be renovated and then to change its rental cost to higher rates. I lived there to guard my parents' possessions and my workstation, so it's better than finding a new rental with an exaggeratedly high monthly price. In the end, within two weeks of full moving, I live in the municipality 120 km (about 75 mi) away from our previous home and settle within my parents' lot with two houses, and one of the houses is mine but smaller than another that's main.

The good news is that this moving to a new home will allow me to save my expenses to pay for internet, electric, and water bills while living with my parents. We agree to share half of my Patreon earnings, not including private commissions unless I am needed again each month.

But...the problem is that I am an active player of both Pokemon GO and Magic the Gathering, and such events happen to be IN the aforementioned provincial capital, and I have to return every Friday (and weekends depending on scheduled special events.) The travel toward the destination makes me spend 3-4 hours depending on the traffic, the speed of the bus, and the weather conditions (and returning back to my new home takes the same time, with a total of 6-8 hours of travel). So, living here is best for development but worst for personal challenges and collections in my gaming hobby.

This is the reason why I hadn't been so active in the art process and news updates regarding Patreon content, the deserving rewards, and the comic. So the art plans have been pushed to this very day but I still continue the progress, so I'm fine. Thank you for understanding, my friends! Expect the finished 9th page of the UNDERWEAR MODEL comic and its extra images at the end of January~ ^^

P.S.: Since I travel back and forth for Magic the Gathering and Pokemon GO events, to continue my projects away from home, I can continue sketching with traditional drawing tools over there. Also, I plan for the travel kit to continue the Photoshop work as well: The laptop (has to be almost high-end for better graphics and speed) while I still use the graphic tablet for digital art.


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