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Heya guys! Targon Ghanzir here! How are you doing? ^^

Since you may have thought that I haven't shown up or told you something for Patreon, there are other works for me to do: I'm currently in a major commission time as I owe my clients from June until middle July, but I still don't forget about what to do for the next content and page. Apologizes when I haven't done any new stuff, even on my Discord server. Please bear with me for I still want to continue the UNDERWEAR MODEL comic and the new art content after the previous post.  Also, for those who want rewards, still, I never forget to get your back as I pledge to do what it takes to give away the favors for supporting me each month. :)

Thank you for understanding, and hope you have a good time, my friends! *huge wing hugs and nuzzles*


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