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Heya guys, Targon Ghanzir here! How are you been? :)

If you fellas love the Ancient Egyptian furs to bring Anubis, Sobek and others worldwide, then Greek-Roman beasts like minotaurs and pegasi, Norse mythology with fascinating god-like creatures,  western European dragons and monsters, and then Asian like noodle dragons, kitsunes, etc., and then Aztec-Mayan animal gods. Then...why don't you recognize OUR own mythical beasts from my country of Philippines? x3

Dapat malaman nyo ang ating alamat at kwento sa noong unang panahon. ;)

If you never knew about them, most of our mythology being popularized in movies and tv series are about horror-thriller monsters of the dark, and they're adapted from stories and legends (we like horror media...most of us. ^^;) that can bring creepiness to our minds (They are: Aswang, Manananggal, Tiyanak, etc.). Haven't you watched the Netflix series named Trese?

So, aside from horror stuff, we got beasts and monsters. I can list them down only FIVE for this month of July:

- Tikbalang - the half-man half-horse born form aborted fetus, playing tricks on unsuspected drifters within the deep forest to wrong paths. If you want to counter him, ask a permission to pass by, or just wear a shirt inside-out, or get their spine so you can tame a horseman as your servant *winks*
- Sarangay - the carabao/bull who guards treasures and fends off thieves. Interestingly, he is our own minotaur.
- Kapre - the ogre/orc-like cryptid who is smoking cigars and sitting on top of the tree, waiting for some people to be stuck in "going around the circles" when passing by. To counter it, wear your shirt inside-out, too.
- Buwaya - the crocodile transformed from human due to excessive greed in gold and jewels and always full of itself (according to story, it is a woman. Don't worry, I'll make it male. XD) Even in monstrous form, it keeps on carrying a treasure chest on its back.
- Bakunawa - the gigantic sea serpent that eats seven moons in the sky due to the moons' shining beauty.

It'll be art pinups with close-up looks (knee-up) and backgrounds Expect the updates and WIPs on my Discord server. ^^


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