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What is finished?

  • Clean-up/Lineart (99.9%)

What are we currently doing?

  • Small polishes (this will be fast, adding additional effects, organizing stuff for...)
  • Coloring

What's next?

  • Lip Sync
  • Finishing Backgrounds

After 500 years we're done with the most painful part of the animation process right after picking up the pen. I had to redo some of the shots because I felt like they were a little too boring to look at so that took some time. Now, I'm keeping things neat and prepared so the coloring phase will be faster.

If time allows, I'll try to squeeze in another short loop.




This is going to be amazing


I can't wait. Keep up the good work.


I'm curious, you said what "we" are currently doing. Is there a derpixon team now? Can we expect derpixon LLC!? A digital art franchise? Between various streaming sites your videos probably have over 100 million views. I'd be surprised to think a major site wouldn't want to sign a deal with you (unless that ruins the creative process).


Good jobs Derpi and team <3


nice dude, can't whait to see more

Eyyy J



Aww sheeeit son. I didn't even know it was coming so soon.

Raymond Gomez

This is gonna be so worth the wait Derpi! Thanks for all your hard work and can't wait for a Trailer <3


Its looks amazing! Take all the time you need.

John Star



Can’t wait!


HURRY UP! We need this!


Take your sweet time. We are happy to support the one and only amazing Derpixon that loop looKS GREAT!!! Incredible work, just iINCREDIBLE. Take care of yourself and have fun!


I am soooo ready for this!!! Gods I love your work.


At this point me boy I gotta say this patreon has kinda been a waste because there has been no updates regularly enough to keep it. You're amazing in the animation world but damn it's bad when I get more from your free Twitter than I do paying here. I wish the best of luck and will of course continue you to support you and all that you do but I cannot continue to pay for content that doesn't exist.