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I will keep the Belle/Brandy comic in my Patreon until December 15, 2022! This will be my treat to all of you guys since I posted the last pages a bit late.

The comic will be deleted here after that date and will be posted on Gumroad immediately.

I hope you guys enjoyed reading that comic! Any comments will be appreciated!

Keep spreading the love for futas my beloved Patrons!




It was really good all the way through, damn good. Back story, sexy times, character growth, and the ending tied everything up pretty well! Brandy got a volley of surprises at the end in rapid fire, they just kept cumming lol! Got guided back in inside Belle for the finish, Belle announcing her love for futas, asked out, given a worry-free lifetime creampie pass, first kiss, and then the KO with the poly announcement. While that last one might have her head spinning, were all over here like yes. YES. YESSSSSSSS!!!!!


Thank you so much! Glad you enjoyed it! I wanted to show more of their interactions with each other but I guess it will be more fun if I showed it in their next story!