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Another month gone, another month of meeting my goal of pumping out at least one animation per week! I hope you guys are happy with what I put out, even if I'm not half the time.

Well, the biggest change this month was, of course, me getting my hands on my new GPU. It blows my mind that I was able to just outright buy it, and earn back the money I spent on it in like a month. I honestly never dreamed something like this would or could be possible, but here we are. I'm looking forward to the future, and I hope you guys keep supporting me, even if it's just a one time pledge. 

I'm already thinking about what my next goal would be, since I have a pretty decent rig now. I could get my hands on better equipment still, a good monitor, etc. but I think the thing I want most in the world is to hang up my 9-to-5 coat and start making animations for a living. Even if it's just part time. I'm already at a point where I can cut back the number of hours I work during the day. The problem is my contract isn't up for review until around July, so I'm stuck working 32 hours per week for the time being. I'm hoping I can cut back to 24 hours or even 20 hours and just devote myself to animating. 

I've made so much money this month that for the first time in the longest time I feel like I might finally get myself out of the hole I've dug for myself and get my life on track to a place where I want it to go. Animating smut for you guys gives me a lot more than money. Money is just a means to an end. It's freedom from the 9 to 5 grind. And I couldn't be happier that I might be able to escape it.

Anyway, I know you're all thinking shut up you silly person, I'm just here to look at ladies with big dicks. But I felt like blogging. So shut up. Thanks again for all your support, I hope you'll keep supporting me in the future, and if not, big thanks to all of you for supporting me this month!



I'm no fan of Futa, so I'm really glad you do female variants, because your animations are buttery smooth and the lightning top notch.


Well, most of my animations are pretty easy to convert to regular old straight versions. But I'm happy you like them!


I’m curious of what happened to you prior to becoming a solo animator if it’s not to personal?? you mentioned you worked with other animators before…


Long ago, in the before time, I used a different nickname. I worked with a couple of other animators, like studio FoW and LordAardvark. But that was like 3 or 4 years ago now.