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So, I've been feeling like shit, physically. I spent thursday night and all of friday throwing up, and I still feel kinda bleh. I'm gonna take a few days off animating to recover and sleep and enjoy the sun. Shit sucks, but what can you do. My next animation will probably be done late next week rather than early next week, just a heads up.

In other news: At long last, GPU prices are collapsing. THIS IS THE MOMENT. Or, rather, probably the end of this month, I'll pull the trigger and buy. Woop. Seriously though, you guys have been pledging and supporting me so much, it's nuts, I have more than enough cash to buy something nice now. Thanks a bunch, you guys rock.

Anyway, that's all, folks. have a nice weekend.



Take your time glad you’re starting to feel better

Darth Vengeant

Hope you are feeling better. Hey, if you get a heads up on GPU deals and or places that are selling them cheaper, give us a heads up. Some of us need a new one like you.