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So it's the end of the year, and I'm feeling melancholy and retrospective. Looking back to how the year went, and how the last few months have gone, I'm still having a hard time believing what's happening, starting to make enough money for it to actually impact my monthly expenses, I didn't think I'd ever reach this point. I've always just made animations for myself and for fun, but seeing how much you guys have decided to support me has really helped me to stay motivated and to improve. 

I started out with around 5 patrons at the start of this year, and now I'm just shy of 120! That's crazy. I don't know what caused it, whether my animations got better, or if I released content more frequently, or the type of content I started to focus on. 

What I want more than anything is to give you guys stuff in 4k, the problem is that videocards are still outrageously expensive. I'm hoping prices will drop one of these days, but I'm not holding my breath. I'll need to fork out somewhere around 800-1000 euros to get my hands on a decent one. I've decided that once I reach 500$ per month, I can justify buying one. Getting a better GPU will also allow me to do longer scenes, something I've wanted to do for a long time.

Anyway, for next year, I plan on keeping at it, making more of the stuff you enjoy, and in turn I hope you guys keep supporting me. I'll do everything I can to keep at it. You've made me a very happy person! Merry christmas guys!



I would have never found your patreon had you not watermarked your videos. I've explained my niche before (MoF) so again- way more than happy to support someone who's appealing to such a neglected form of stuff I like. With that said- longer animations sounds legendary. I'll keep supporting until, something explodes- and I'm more than happy to do so.


If you make more non-futa versions of your anim, I'm sure you can catch more attention/subscribers. You are a really good animator and do great lighting to your scenes.

Darth Vengeant

I feel your pain about GC. I am in the same boat. Also, I enjoy vanilla versions as well, like the guy above said.

Mirai Nikki

Yeah, with these prices on GPUs, I'll probably wait for 4080Ti or 5080Ti


I'll probably have to upgrade my powersupply if I get a 4080Ti, if the rumors are anything to go by. Sigh.