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Just a little update on where your patreon pledges are headed!

I'm in the process of overhauling my PC, thanks to you guys. I'm massively upgrading my CPU and doubling my RAM to 32GB. It should greatly improve my workflow in Blender, and speed up the time it takes me to churn out animations!

The next step after that is my graphics card. As you may or may not know, graphics cards are nearly unaffordable right now, but I'll save up your cash and hopefully I'll be able to get something decent soon.

Anyway, thanks for your support, guys. I'm not even kidding when I say I couldn't do this without your help. I'm ordering the parts  at the start of December. I hope you'll keep supporting me in this crazy hobby of mine. Here's to being able to buy a fancy graphics card!



Almost funny to consider, you're saving a smidgeon of my money better than me, to get a graphics card. And you'll probably get one too.

Darth Vengeant

Iv'e had a PC build in plans for a long time, but the graphics card and power supply are nowhere to be found unless you want to pay a fortune. It's quite ridiculous. I kind of need to build a new PC because this one is getting old (over 5 yrs now) and doing Lightroom and Photoshop is getting slower. But, I am not paying these ridiculous prices.


I save up a lot of smidgeons of money, so it adds up. It's tempting not to just blow it on random purchases, though.


Preaching to the choir, man. I'm running out of options, though. I need a decent rig if I want to keep animating, and it costs an arm and a leg. Worst part is I need a great power supply too, because rendering eats power like crazy. I'm just glad you guys are supporting me.

Darth Vengeant

I only ever buy at least a 1200 for a power supply. That way there is room and I never use too much to burn it out quick. I wish someone would support me so I can build a new PC. lol. The PC I built 5 years ago for 1200 bucks (didn't need a monitor, etc) would now cost twice that.


Yup, my current GPU still costs like 200$ eventhough it's 4 years old, it's crazy. Hey, you can always start making weird animated things and get people to support you!

Darth Vengeant

Photoshop is now becoming slow now days; things are just advancing to where my PC is old now. My photography and photo editing are becoming a load fest. Geforce GTX 960 here. Even though I have 32g of RAM, PC is just getting old now. So, I seriously doubt I could do much with CGI like you, even though I would like to learn.


Yeah, stuff just keeps progressing. On my current rig it takes like 30 seconds to ctrl-z something in Blender. Well, I still have no idea what I'm doing. You learn to draw by drawing, just start somewhere.