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----------ENGLISH------------ (Texto en español más abajo👇)

We have summoned Velvet Bones! 😈❣🐰

And with her arrival our first collaboration also begins, this time "V" will make a commission for all my Bunnies and the best part is that you're gonna be the ones to choose what will the commission be about. 😏

The Activity will be as follows: for a week there's gonna be a daily poll on what the commission will be about and all my Bunnies from the "Aniki" Tier and up will be able to vote, for example, the first poll will be to choose the commission theme and the options will be: Video games -Cartoon-Anime-Comic. You will vote for your favorite category and once we have the results we would move on to the next poll and so on until we have: Theme, Series, Pose and Characters, the polls will be up 24 hours and once we have the results of the first one the next poll will be published and so on until we're done with all the subjects, don't forget to vote please! 😜

The objective of this activity is that once you have voted and chosen your favorite Theme, Series, Pose and Characters, our lil' devil Velvet Bones or "V" uses these elements to create an illustration with her unique style that we can enjoy at the end of this month.

Remember that only my  lil' Bunnies who are members of the "Aniki" Tier and above can vote and the polls will be published daily here on Patreon at 6:06PM Mexico time, and the first poll will be published tomorrow, Sunday, January 7.

We are very excited about the collaboration between "V" and truly yours, we hope you like the final result, again thank you very much for all the love and support, you are the best Bunnies! 💞🐇

You can find Velvet Bones here: https://twitter.com/VelvetBones__


¡Hemos Convocado a Velvet Bones! 😈❣🐰

Y con su llegada también inicia nuestra primera colaboración, en esta ocasión "V" hará una comisión para todos mis Conejitos y la mejor parte es que serán ustedes los que elijan cómo será. 😏

La dinámica será la siguiente: durante una semana habrá una encuesta diaria sobre de qué tratará la comisión y todos los conejitos del Tier "Aniki" para arriba podrán votar, por ejemplo, la primera encuesta será para elegir la temática y las opciones serán: Videojuegos-Cartoon-Anime-Cómic. Ustedes votarán por su categoría favorita y una vez que tengamos los resultados pasaríamos a la siguiente encuesta y así sucesivamente hasta tener: Tema, Serie, Pose y Personajes, las encuestas estarán arriba 24 horas y una vez teniendo los resultados de la primera se publicará la siguiente y así hasta terminar, no olviden votar porfi! 😜

El objetivo de la dinámica es que una vez que hayan votado y elegido su Tema, Serie, Pose y Personajes favoritos, nuestra diablilla Velvet Bones o "V" use estos elementos para crear una ilustración con su estilo único y que podremos disfrutar a finales de este mes.

Recuerden que sólo pueden votar los conejitos que sean miembros del Tier "Aniki" para arriba y las encuestan se publicarán diariamente aquí en Patreon a las 6:06PM hora de México, y la primera encuesta se publicará mañana Domingo 7 de Enero.

Estamos muy emocionadas por la colaboración entre "V" y su servidora, esperamos les guste el resultado final, de nueva cuenta muchas gracias por todo el cariño y apoyo, son los mejores Conejitos!💞🐇

Pueden encontar a Velvet Bones aquí: https://twitter.com/VelvetBones__




Hi there my Dear Viken 🥰 Yes there will be a Daily Poll untill we have Theme, Series, Pose and Characters, we're currently having the first poll and it's gonna last 24 hrs and then we'll set a new poll with series within the winner theme and of course please leave your suggestions in each poll, for example in the first one you could leave a comment with your favorite Videogame, Anime/Manga, cartoon and Comic and we'll keep those in mind to add it to the next poll. Velvet Bones is going to make the illustration with the elements from the polls and for this time there won't additional variations or changes in order to respect the results of the Polls. About Velvet Bones taking commissions is something that's gonna happen in the near future as right now she's still setting her social media and Patreon Account, so stay tune for update about that. I hope this helps!


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