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Hey guys! Here is the latest early access build of Dramatic Skys. In Beta 2.2a there are new skies for the desert biome. Was not happy with the old ones so I made new ones. Along with that, transitions between skies has been edited to make things more smooth and less harsh when going between biomes or height based skies. 

-Updated sky textures for desert biome(s) (sky5, sky6, sky7)
-New day sky and sunrise/sunset
-Adjustment to night sky
-New transition blending (changes in sky from biome to biome will be smoother)

I hope you guys enjoy this latest update! If you have any issues or bugs please let me know!


Dramatic Skys Beta 2.2a.zip


Sophy Dollish

Love this, really beautiful!


hey, is possible to get this beta compatible with 1.20.4? because I'm getting no clouds lol. Other than that, the stars and moon look awesome. keep up the good work.


Yea it works with 1.20.4! Make sure you’re using either optifine or fabric with fabric skyboxes. Odds are that’s the issue