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Hello everybody! It's been a while since I did a newsletter type post, and with 2024 just starting I figured now would be a good time to make a post.

First off, I want to thank all of you for all the support. It has been crazy lately. I am so thankful for this community and can't thank you all enough. I have been thinking of ways to improve the patreon, my content, etc and have come up with some solid changes I think will make everything better.

First off, you may have noticed I revamped the patreon page. We have a new banner to show a bit more of what's here and I have also adjusted and tweaked the text in the different tiers. With the text changes in the tiers it's just to make it easier to read, understand, and look better. I want it to be easy for everyone who comes here to understand everything. Nothing has been removed from tiers, actually I have decided to make a new addition:

I will now be releasing weekly updates to my content

What I mean by this is I will post updates to packs more frequently. This includes previews, images, betas, etc. I have been trying to think of the best way to try to keep you all engaged and sticking around for the long run. I want to do everything I can to make you being subbed for a long time well worth it.

I also plan to create more side packs! I have seen a ton of support for the most recent one, Stormy Skys, and it made me realize that you guys would like more side packs that have specific themes. So I will be working on new side packs along with Dramatic Skys and Default HD. This will also not affect more frequent updates, so nothing to worry about there.

As you guys also know I have been working on PBR for Default HD, and I will have a test build for a set of blocks coming out soon for select tiers to test! That and of course the new 256x and 512x versions which recently got a huge update!

With Dramatic Skys, I am going back through and removing skies I am not 100% happy with and adding completely new ones. You will notice some sky changes in the next update along with some new additions I think you'll all like! That and adding new biomes to sky textures and so forth as per usual. I really want to add a lot more diversity to the pack, and I know having 50 skies already is a lot but I am not happy with just that haha.

As a whole it's all positive and good changes to everything. I will continue to work on everything I have been and then some more than before. I truly want to make it worth your while to stay long term and support me and my work. I will be trying to update you all more here too now that there is the new free sub option just so you get info and notifications when there are releases and stuff. That's all for now, if you have any questions I am more than happy to answer anything!

Thank you again for all the continued support and love. Means the world to me.


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