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Hey everyone! Wanted to share with you this short video clip of the new adjusted texture for the max build height sky in the upcoming 2.4a beta update for Dramatic Skys! UsernameGeri went crazy on this update and fixed and corrected a ton of little things and some big things, but all together it adds up to a lot! It's quite the changelog!

One major thing you can notice is that the stars no longer cover the world below you. This makes it much more realistic and helps complete the effect and feel of it all. The stars are still very visible above the world as they should be too! Plus they do not overlap the moon!

Another tweak you may notice is how the world's horizon line (edge of the world before space) is now tweaked. Before it had a bit of an odd curvature that was a little distracting to look at. This has been corrected along with where the sun rises and sets so all light lines up correctly.

This really is just a small fraction of what all has been tweaked and changed but I wanted to share it with you all, and thank you to UsernameGeri for taking the time and care to tweak it all!

This update will be available later next week more than likely for tiers that have early access (emerald and up). If you would like to get early access to Dramatic Skys and any future packs be sure to consider becoming an Emerald tier or above!

You can check out the latest beta for patrons here

I hope you guys enjoyed this little preview! I have a lot more in the works too that I will tease a bit later on ;) Appreciate all of you for all of the love and support! If you have any questions feel free to reach out and ask!



I am gold but i can not see Dramatic Skys


This is a preview post, scroll down a little bit more and it will be there :) look for beta 2.3


when dose the newest update come out