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UPDATE: You can now find two of my old animations over at:


I intend to upload two a day until everything is up over there, if I can help it! Also upon further reflection, especially now that I know that the requests were likely not made by Nintendo, I will more than likely continue to make Princess content after all despite what is written below.

Original Post:

Hey, everyone! Unfortunately with the numerous DMCA requests I've received on Twitter, I don't think I'll be making any more Nintendo NSFW content for a good while. I may pivot to creating other NSFW stuff in the meantime, and I totally understand if you no longer want to pledge your support as a result.

(That said, it's just a hypothetical. I may still end up producing Princess content even if I don't end up putting it up on Twitter!)

To keep my account from being banned, I'll be making an effort to purge my twitter of any Nintendo content later tonight. After that, I'll be slowly uploading it all to Newgrounds. The links here on Patreon will not be affected by this.

Thanks for understanding!


Nathan.Eilisha Shiraini

Damn. The Nintendo princesses are pretty much the only reason I got here... I hope the situation will be solved happily. I'll still be supporting you for a while at least, seeing how things evolve.


In that case, are the models themselves available for download?


Unfortunately they're cobbled together in Unity and not really workable outside of the specific setup I have going on in that program. I would've released them ages ago, otherwise!

Cue Blue

Same here. I'll keep an eye to see how things go, but the princesses was the main reason I was here as well...


Oof. I get the caution, though I think its more likely to be a troll pretending to be the Big N. If anything, if it was Ninty, I'd think they'd would be more likely to hit you here, where you're actually making money, rather than on Twitter, where you're a blip on their radar. Still, better safe than sorry! Still sucks, though.


dude, that's rough


Damn. That sucks. I got here seeing your content because I liked it. I'll still support your content regardless.


What kind of Non-Nintendo stuff do you plan on making?


I'll probably try my hand at some Shantae stuff again, though it seems like for the moment I'll be continuing to make Princess content as well!