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In case you missed it! Here's a direct download link:  https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1HF8RmpTNVoyOy1AGml5CozUVBrjcwluH  Have fun, and let me know what you think!


On Model on Twitter

It's "Game Over, Daisy!" in my first ever playable project, which you can download right now! Here's a download link for both Windows and Mac! https://t.co/zMIgk7qZG4 (Mac version hasn't been tested, let me know if it works!) More details about the project in the replies! https://t.co/hgD8xZagl1





Haha, kinda just dropped it out of nowhere, figured that might be a reaction :P Hope you enjoy, let me know what you think!


Wow, this is outstanding work!


I- ... I am in complete shock. Not only does this game look visually stunning but the amount of gameplay options available (for this type of game) we're way more than I was anticipating. The UI looks and operates very professionally (I love how you and Shaxbert made those 3D Land/World references such as the transition screen and the ending screens). If I had one tiny nitpick, the transitional animations for Daisy could be a tad smoother (such as turning the sex toys off and on). But that little nitpick didn't take ANYTHING away from this nifty little torture game. 9.5/10

Serious Pan

You're my hero! This is the kind of content our favourite princess has been in desperate need of. It's nice to see someone take the source material and do such a good job with it. Thanks for this!


Yeah, the animation transitions are all over the place because this darn Daisy rig is not at all receptive to animation blending due to how her facial expressions work, haha. Really glad you had fun!


Thank you!! Is there anything in particular from the game that's your favorite?


This pleases the hobo. (Love the status effects the mask and boo impose on her, great stuff!)