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Hi everyone! 

A quick post about last week ♥

On Monday and Tuesday, I worked a lot on my costumes for my trip! I was supposed to leave around 11PM on Tuesday but a bad allergy attack got me... I wasn't able to leave home :( So I got reimbursed for my bus travel and bought a train ticket for Thursday. 

On Wednesday, I slept a lot due to the allergies. I kept working on costumes after that, made a little vest for one of the Ashe photoshoot, and packed everything. 

On Thursday, I finished few details on costumes and finally left Paris! I arrived safely, around midnight, and quickly went to bed!

On Friday, I took some rest because I was exhausted. I wanted to start playing The Witcher 3, but I fell asleep on the couch and took a long nap ^^' After that, I spent some time with friends and got ready for the convention! 

On Saturday, I went to Polymanga, the biggest swiss convention! It was very nice seing everyone ♥ I had my Cinder cosplay and found some other RWBY cosplayers, even meeting some very nice, friendly people, it was a great day! I had to leave early (3PM) because my hosts had a birthday party at their place, so I had to be there and celebrate with them :) It was HP themed and I'm glad I always have some Ravenclaw attire with me, haha! 

On Sunday, it was very cloudy, so we decided to stay home to talk and play games. My second day of Polymanga would be the Monday... A choice I don't regret as it was a beautiful, sunny day ♥ But I'll tell you more in my next post! 

I hope you had a nice week! Mine started badly with the health problems, but I'm glad I made it to the beautiful city of Lausanne! I'll take pictures of the city this afternoon to show you how pretty this place is :)




Henry Pang

Hope you are feeling better now.


Glad to here your feeling better and that you are having a good time on your trip.