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Hello there, a new week begins and I'll have interesting things to share with you all! This post is a bit long, and mostly a general update :) 

Here's a quick photoshoot I did in February, inspired by Ferdinand from Fire Emblem Three Houses - I plan to work on a version of lady Edelgard later :) The Black Eagle house is my favorite so far! I've been challenged quite a lot of times in my Instagram stories to cosplay as a more manly character and I've been dreaming of a Lady Oscar (The Rose of Versailles) photoset since I started doing erocosplay - Hopefully this fall I'll make it happen!! This was a nice photoshoot for me and I felt quite handsome, not gonna lie ♥ 

It's also interesting for me to experiment more with different poses - as a photographer, I started working with a lot more men this year, and being able to coach them to find nice poses and understand the angles is essential if I want to improve even more! I've also been reading more about body language and it's definitely an interesting thing to do for sets! 

New photoshoots!

I've been doing a lot of photoshoots these past days that I can't wait to show you! I'm also finishing to sort/rename some of the May files that I wanted to send this weekend (but the photoshoots lasted longer than planned...Days are very long in France right now, we still have daylight at 10PM, which I love, but is also quite tricky because I won't leave that camera til the last ray of light disappears!!)

I shot a super cute elf set for this month, and I also have some new quick cosplays, cosplay features, and I plan to shoot a lot more this week! I'll also make a poll on Wednesday for you to help me prioritize my future photoshoots!

Moving soon ♥

This month is a bit chaotic because I'm hunting for my very next home! I'll be leaving Paris in the next weeks, improving from a shared tiny house to a full apartment just for me! While leaving friends and habits behind is difficult, I'm happy I'll move near people who inspire and motivate me, in a place I'll be able to dedicate to my work and passion. I'll have room to organize all my costumes, craft in peace, and create a lot of content - building nice backgrounds for sets at home, doing livestreams, hosting models and friends for photoshoots, having a better environment to work on editings...Things I couldn't do properly lately that I missed a lot. I'm excited to share all these new things with you!! :) 

My next big project : Writing a book about my journey!

I've been wanting to write since I'm a kid, and I've always been enjoying books. I really want to create something that is inspiring and offers good ressources and advices to anyone who wants to follow my path. I plan to release it next year at the latest - it may be earlier, but I prefer to be safe, and not let it impact the rest of my work. So far I started making a list of what I want it to be: Having autobiographic elements to explain how I ended up doing this aswell as fun facts and stories, featuring nice pictures to show my work, and having ressources/explanations/advices (like how I build easy indoor backgrounds, how I choose different angles according to the characters, how to suggest intimacy with poses, things like that!)

I'm currently thinking about the best way to make it all enjoyable to read, and not a giant encyclopedia. I also want it to be personal and I plan to open up a bit more on how I feel when I do photoshoots, the friendships I made along the way, my travels...! 

 I'll give you monthly updates on this project and let you know how it goes! :)

I hope you're all doing well, I'm excited to share a lot more pictures this week!



Henry Pang

Keep up the great work


Tu vas rester aux alentours de Paris ou tu vas aller un peu plus loin en province ? Quoi qu'il en soit plein de projet de beau projet a mener, en espérant que tu arrives a tout gérer


You really have a lot of work ahead of. The book sounds like a real interesting idea and new challenge. Good luck with your mo ve. Figures cross that it is a smooth transition.

Omar Zaragoza

0o0 so dashing and cool!!! You could be a fantastic Alucard ^^ that's cool, sounds like you have plenty on nice personal cosplay goals set for yourself, I hope you have lots of fun and learn even more things. Well you like to travel, so moving from your old home won't be too detrimental, I hope it all goes smoothly. That sounds pretty cool, maybe you can add little drawings to some of your explanations haha, however you make it just have fun, we will gladly enjoy what cool and interesting knowledge/experiences you have to offer.