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Hello there ♥ A little Throwback Thursday today!!

Tomorrow I'll be sending the basic pack for May (I'm uploading it!) and going to the post office with my sister to start sending the late physical mail that's been waiting since forever. I won't be able to send everything at the same time - lots of people and lines are to be expected, and I don't want to be that person using the machine for 2 hours, so I'll do it month by month each week!

I've a super busy weekend ahead, tons of editing and ELF PHOTOSHOOTS are planned ♥ I love them hehe!



Omar Zaragoza

Your Rei is always amazing and beautiful to see, you capture her so well, slight seriousness with playful poses. With how things are I'm sure people understand, plus such tempting and nice goodies are worth the wait. Sounds like a great weekend ahead, have fun and may the photography gods and elven spirits protect you from any incidents from occurring ^^'

Jonathan Stark

Did you ever cosplay Asuka?

Omar Zaragoza

She did for a Cosplay Deviants party it was super amazing and interesting, we could show her our support for more of the bratty waifu xD


If only this had been a regular swimsuit when I was in high school, I may have had performed better in sport for the baccalaureate...


What a marvelous set! You look absolutely gorgeous.