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Hey there everyone!

I'm finally back home and here's a little gif from the photoshoot I did while away. Here's a little report on what happened this weekend! 

Sadly things didn't go as planned. I got really sick and couldn't enjoy the trip or work as I wanted. I managed to do a full set with the swimsuit, but nothing else could be done and I feel really bad about it. I tried my best not to be a complete pain in the ass for the photographer who was with me, but I struggled to even just walk during those damned three days. I'm feeling super wrecked both emotionally and physically at the moment so I'll take some rest and shoot things at home this week! 

The only cool thing is that it left me with plenty of time to think about what I want to do next and I got plenty of great ideas that I'm sure will please you aswell! I'll post plans for upcoming content soon-ish! 

Also, I will be on the roads again next week for more shoots, let's hope things will go better this time! 




Sorry to hear you didn’t have a good time. Seems like you get sick a lot; hope you’re alright. Hopefully next week is better for you.

Henry Pang

Lee up the great work.

K Vid

Welcome home. Sorry you weren’t able to get everything done that you wanted, but at least you got one set. It’s never fun being sick. Definitely rest up now that you can. Looking forward to more updates.


I know the guilt of making plans and then being compelled to cancel them because of bad health or lack of energy. It still happened to me today. But our bodies all have their limitations and it's nothing to be ashamed of. And constantly overclocking ourselves is not a viable solution. I'm sorry you were sick and couldn't enjoy your trip, but I take notice than even in this state you managed to still produce something and use your rest time to have new ideas. So you can be proud: even sick you still manage to do great things.


Dommage que ce ne soit pas passé comme prévu😓 mais si tu as d'autres idées, tant mieux! Ce serait encore plus "badant" de se prendre la tête parce que rien ne va, ce qui peut arriver hélas (wow, je sais mettre de l'ambiance hein 😂) Porte toi bien 😄

Mathieu C

Cheer, no use beating yourself up on stuff you have no control over. We will be happy with that swimsuit set. :)


Don't feel bad about it. It sucks that you were sick during your trip and were not able to work and enjoy it as much as your wanted to. Rest up and focus on getting ready for your next trip.