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Hello dear Patrons! 

Just a little note to tell you that I'm leaving for 3 days in Italy today. I'll go there with Bakufu, and we aim to shoot at least one set a day, and maybe few pictures in the streets if the weather and crowd allow us to! I'm bringing a new cosplay, Asuna from SAO. Sorry for the crappy selfie, I'm super tired but wanted to try to full costume before leaving! 

I have an other trip planned later this month, to shoot sets but with Django this time, it was a lot of work to organize everything, which is why I wasn't posting much these days. (I also have 2 erocosplay photoshoots planned at my place... Here's hoping everything will work hahaha!) 

I hope to have 3G but I'm not sure, so I'll most likely answer your message when I'll be back, on Tuesday. 

Have a great weekend too! I'll try to bring you back lots of cool pics :) 




I hope you have a fun, creative trip 🙂


Have a nice trip and enjoy ! We know you'll be wonderfull


Have a good time. You look cute as Asuna too. :3


Bon week end, profite bien! ^^