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It's time to vote for your favorite mashup!! 

The winner will get a full set with cool Halloween setting /o/ It'll be available to lvl 35 patrons on October 31, but I'll post pics online as always of course! ^-^ You have until saturday night to vote! (Parisian hour, beware!)

#1 Miku as D.Va

#2 Ryuko as Faye 

#3 Rin as Imari

#4 Mercy as 2B

Have fun voting and don't hesitate to tell me if you like that kind of poll! 

Would you like to vote for a set between several options every month? 

Tell me ♥



More polls like this would be interesting. Here’s hoping for either Ryuko/Faye or Mercy/2B too.

Mathieu C

Well, this is interesting, at the time of my post, Ryuko/Faye and Mercy/2B are equal. XD


Wow, three in the morning, you sure work hard.

pete johns

You sure made it hard to decide. I was torn between 2 and 3. I went with the one I most want to see more of. Hope it wins.


A difficult choice, plenty of clever and interesting options... but for Halloween magic should prevail.


This was a hard choice.


I voted for Ryuko! She's my favourite character that you cosplayed as and was one of your best lvl35 sets last year.

pete johns

After the preview on twitter I thought #2 would have moved into the lead. sadly, no!


Ripppp Rin is losing again 😭 lol

pete johns

is it over? was it Rin for the win?




Rats, I was hoping it’d be Mercy/2B, but more Rin is always good.