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Hello everyone! Little health update: I'm sorry for the lack of posts/answers these last few days, here's what happened! Since the beginning of the summer I'm having trouble with my left arm and back. I worked very hard on costumes, drawings and editing, and the very few time left I was helping my sister finding an apartment here, leaving me little time to rest, and making lots of physical efforts - while editing isn't something very physical for example, it is easy to take bad postures that hurt your body, and you don't notice it because you're too focused ^^" That is what happened to me. The last two weeks my back started to hurt more and more, to the point of being barely able to walk or type in the last days. I kept working as much as possible thinking it'd go away, but yesterday it was so bad I was almost crying from pain. So, I decided to go to the osteopath this morning and I feel so much better now! I spent almost a full hour there but it was worth!! It still hurts a bit, but I'm not stuck anymore and it makes me super happy 😁 Yuna set: As such, I wasn't able to shoot the Yuna set yesterday, but we did it this afternoon!! I froze my little butt in the pool to bring you some new stuff hahaha! My sister helped me taking the pictures once again. She's finally feeling less awkward with shooting nudity - of course I'd never force her but it makes me happy and glad to share that with her! Plus I think there are worse students jobs ^-^ She thinks the pics we took earlier this summer are very artistic and tasteful, it reminds her of Ophelia paintings so I can't wait to show you!! Also a little selfie from today's photoshoot, I hope you like it!! More pics soon!! Take care my dear patrons, listen to your bodies (not like me ^-^") and thank you so much again for your support and kind words! I'm glad I can create all these things thanks to you!



Henry Pang

Glad things are better now.


OMG Stunning 💞🌹


Cool que tu ailles mieux, tant mieux pour ta soeur, puis Yuna te va bien, je suis curieux de voir les photos. De (plutot) bonnes nouvelles^^

Sean Boyle

I’m glad to hear you’re doing better, Shae. :) I look forward to seeing your Yuna set. 💙


Awesome preview. It is good to hear you are feeling better. Get as much rest as possible.


I'm glad you finally went in to have things taken care of. I tend to put things like that off and try to push through sometimes as well, but I've been making an effort to let myself rest more if I need to. Thank you for the reminder 🙂


I hope you get better soon. Try not to push yourself too much though.