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Hey there! I'm back home and ready to spam you with super cool stuff! (I'm slowly catching up on late message!)

Let's begin with some great Maeryll pics! As I said in my previous post, I received my first tome of IRO right before leaving for a photoshoot trip, so I had to do a little something. All pics will be published online but you can download in highest quality from this post ♥ 

If you don't know it yet, I Roved Out is a super nice and positive fantasy porn comic that you can read online / buy as a book here: www.irovedout.com , and the artist has a Patreon aswell : https://www.patreon.com/alexisflower/posts

Little note: I'm not related to this comic/artist in any way, I just really like Alexis' work and I think it's great to support fellow independant artists. As a woman who's into hot stuff, reading IRO feels great and warm - not just in an arrousing way, but because it has a very strong "feel good" vibe (characters fuck because they want it and they actually enjoy their time!) and features amazing characters, all very different physically, sexually and in terms of personality. I'm also in awe with the drawings and writing! 

I shot a little video this day aswell, I'll finish it when I'll have some more time! :D




Glad to have you back, Shae, and thanks for the bikini Elf set. :3

Henry Pang

Very nice.


Elf Set <3


Very first pic is my new desk top wallpaper!