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Hello everyone! I'm excited to show you the first work-in-progress pictures of my Yuna (FFX) costume! I was rushing so much I didn't open my computer today, I will make sure to read and answer messages tomorrow! I realize while making it that it was a dream for me to have this costume 10 years ago and working on it fills my heart with warm nostalgia and happiness :) FFX was my first console game and first RPG (after Pokemon, but it's quite different!), so it means a lot to me. I took these pictures yesterday (Friday night!) and worked a lot today! (It was my first time dying fabric!!) The different parts of the pink flower are glued together, I finished the skirt's painting, drawn the design on the obi and started painting it, made the earrings... I also worked a bit on props for an other costume! Tomorrow I'll work on the obi, staff, and finish the sleeves! As you can see, I picked softer tones for the colors of the costume, and soft/natural looking material like linen and cotton. It's a bit different from the look of Yuna's costume in game, but I think it's more interesting for pictures to have more textured material, and to me it make sense to have this kind of fabrics in a fantasy world. Also the character has an important role in her world, she is determined, yet hopeful, graceful and kind-hearted, I wanted to try to translate that with my choices :) I hope you enjoy your weekend and liked this crafty update ^-^



Princess Paladin

Yunaaaa! I'm actually replaying Final Fantasy X right now! :D

Henry Pang

Looking good


I love talking to cosplayers who make their own costumes about how they made it and why they chose that character or costume. This post did exactly that and I really appreciate and admire all that you put into this and can't wait to see you in it.


Eager to see the result ;-)


I haven't played it since then (Too many games to play ♥) but I still remember a lot ♥


I really like what you're doing with the fabrics. I feel it's closer to what they would have wanted to put in the game, if the technology was there.


I'm glad you notice it and appreciate :) I'm trying my best to bring a more realistic feel to my costumes!