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Hello hello! 

Just a little post to warn you that I have a problem with Patreon's app. I found out in the last days that some PMs I answered never receive any answer from me, as well as some posts I made were never uploaded to the site. With the insane amount of work I had lately, I realized that problem only today. 

I'm very sorry about the lack of news and answers to PMs. I often use my phone late at night to answer messages and post updates on social medias, because I'm working all day long on costumes and pictures... I take some time on my sleeping hours to answer everyone. It saddens me to see that some messages never get through, as some patrons were very disappointed by my lack of answer. And sorry about the lack of updates here aswell, I'll catch up with that in the next days! (To begin with, please enjoy little selfies from last saturday! It was the photoshoot for the lvl15 of the month ♥)

I need to add, I try my best to answer everyone (weither it's on Patreon or other social medias), but I work a lot to bring you great content, and creating costumes, nice pictures, and in the future good stories is my main goal. I'm not an entertainer, not really. I love to chat with you all, but after 10 to 14h of work per day, I don't have a lot left. Plus while I'm fluent in english, it's also not my main language and I'm always afraid to make big mistakes, so it takes me a long time to write back. For these reasons, please understand that it may take me few days to answer your messages when I'm in a rush. I'm extremely thankful of your support, and I would love to get to know you all, but I also believe that you support me to see great pictures of improving quality, so my main focus is to work on them ♥

I hope you understand and send you all tons of hugs! I'll make sure to post from my computer from now on :)




All of my favorite expressions you make in one set. Fan-freaking-tastic


Maybe unrelated but for a different creator I've received about 30 notifications about old posts in the past two days.


Hey, don't worry so much about grammar mistakes in English, even us native speakers know it's a messed up language. Plus, most mistakes will only get a double take and a laugh, it's not like you'd cause a diplomatic crisis over a mistranslation. Plus, I kinda hate to hear you work that long of hours, you should be having fun with this patreon thing!


Il serait vraiment bon qu ils revoient leur site .... y a quelque problemes qui finissent par etre vraiment problematique a force 🤔


I honestly didn't even notice any delays... and your English is certainly a lot better than my French.

Henry Pang

Keep up the great work.


Je sais qu'il y a eu des soucis avec certains paiements oui, et leur app est vraiment pas au point pour le moment :/ (Pourtant j'ai un très bon téléphone et une connexion stable avec la fibre donc c'est pas de mon côté...)


Haha, I may be a little bit of a grammar nazi I guess. I hate to make language mistakes. It's hard to avoid, but I don't want to say something wrong... Even if it won't cause a diplomatic crisis, I already had problems for using the wrong words (of slightly different meaning) so now I'm very careful. And I do have fun doing this, but yeah, I think I put too much pressure on myself >< I'm always afraid to disappoint and I really want to do my best all the time...!!


Weird >///< I don't know what happened! I hope it's not a problem with the app. Maybe all my posts will suddenly appear hahaha ^^'


Oui pour les paiement c est vraimentca le pire .... je me suis pris la tete avec 2 model a cause de ce differer .. et plusoeur autre que je suit ce sont fait avoir par ce meme decalage


Of coarse its not a problem Shae, we all appreciate your hard work and amazing content. But please don't over work yourself, remember....social life...special time....sleeeeep.


Thank you for being so kind and understanding :) I'll try to take some time for myself after ALA!