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Little selfie from this weekend's photoshoot! Sadly with my health problems this month I wasn't able to finish my Raven cosplay, so I shot a casual Raven-inspired look instead, I hope you'll like it! 

I'm very sorry it was super last-minute and I couldn't find a red gem to bring a more Raven feel to it :/ I considered adding it in post production (photoshop) but that would take me a lot of time to do that on 60+ pictures, and I still plan to shoot the lvl 35 set+video (I'll explain why) tomorrow to send the rewards as soon as possible. 

So... Is it ok for you if I keep it this way? ;__; I will shoot a Raven set with an accurate cosplay later for sure!! ♥

Regarding the lvl 35 set, sadly I won't be able to shoot the Velma set I wanted: Bakufu managed to get the location we wanted, but only for mid-november... It'll have super cool effects but because of that we were stuck with the location we want to rent, and have very little choices for the day. So, I'll shoot a selfmade video as Velma tomorrow, and I'll shoot a cute sexy spooky set for the lvl 35 patrons too.

I'm sorry this month was so messy. I wasn't expecting my health to get so bad in such a short amount of time, and that I would have to wait such a long time before getting appointments with doctors to improve that. I really tried my best to keep working and managed to create a lot of great pictures that I'll post soon on social medias, but still got late in my plans as the pain makes me very slow in everything I do, and every hour of sleep I take to work is a risk to make my health worse... I even canceled some events to catch up, but it wasn't enough :/

I promise to try my best to send all rewards this week. All patrons who supported my in October will receive the October rewards of their tier, even if they cancel their pledge. 

I hope you'll understand and once again, I'm very sorry. I'm very honored to see so many people supporting my work and I want to assure you that I'm trying my best to give you the best I can. In no way I want to "scam" you and even if I can be a bit late due to unfortunate events, I'll always send you the sets you pledged for. 

Sweet hugs from Paris!





Don’t worry just take care of your health! The raven looks really good I like it!!!


Don't worry about it, take all the time you need, health always comes first!


Yeah, take care of yourself first


Also a casual Raven set is just as good as the regular cosplay one, though I'm v excited to see that in the future!


You take care of yourself and I'll be here no matter what to support you!


Take care of your health first. We all trust that your doing your best given your current condition.


Sad to hear things went so badly, but no worries. I don't mind waiting for this month's sets. Casual Raven looks great! Another set as her sounds awesome!

pete johns

This looks great even without the gem. No need to photoshop it in at all. The Velma setting sounds perfect and worth the wait. I am sure whatever you put together will be amazing since all of your Patreon sets lately have been of the highest quality. Thank you for being up front about what is going on. You always provide what is promised. Life happens sometimes but I trust you to provide content 100%.

Henry Pang

I like it alot. Hopefully your health improves soon. Your health comes first. No matter what I'm always here to support you.


Don't worry at all Shae, the cosplay looks great! We know you've been having health problems and we would never be upset. Just focus on feeling better and we'll be more then understanding and patient.


As someone who's had their own share of health issues this year I totally empathize and understand; take care of yourself first and foremost.