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Woops! I realize I forgot the weekly blogs the last two weeks! Sorry everyone!! >///< With the little health problems I had it's been hard to keep everything updated lately. I have to get used to it and find a great balance and organization for when my body and brain get too tired to keep my "normal" rythm. I also had to take few days of rest this month, see a doctor, try some new medication and things like that .-. 

So! By the end of September, I spent a lot of time working on the september sets and sending everything :) I did a new photoshoot as a photographer and I'm very happy with the result, I really improved a lot and I'm proud of that! I was also able to go to the convention Paris Manga on saturday and did a little livestream on Facebook while I was there. I will try to make YouTube videos for the next conventions!

I spent a lot more time than planned on my Etsy shop! Regarding that, orders are still being processed and I will send everything as soon as it's fully processed ^^' Sorry for the wait! 

I kept working on new costumes and I'm excited to shoot my October sets! The first one will be Velma, as voted by all patrons! I can't wait for it, no doubt it'll make a perfect Halloween set! I also started working on Holidays things and I plan to spoil you all!! ♥ 

Lastly, I did a cute classic cosplay photoshoot yesterday as Tohru from Kobayashi's Dragon Maid! I had a cute Kobayashi with me! We had an other photoshoot in a different location planned, but with my health it wasn't safe to move too far away from home, so we shoot at my place instead. I made a delicious cake and pie, we had a great day! I will publish the pictures on social medias as always. 

Many hugs, I hope you are all doing well! 





Whats wrong? And hugs*

Henry Pang

Keep up the great work.


Just health problems I have for a long time now :/ Sadly they come and go, I have no clue why, I'll try to do some tests to see what happens!


I was looking for more of the details off your illness, but I understand if you do not want to share them. Just know that someone cares about you and is worried.


I will try to make a video when I will feel a bit better to explain what I have. Sadly, I don't know what it is precisely, I will have to see doctors and do more tests (but first I need to make sure that my health insurance is working ^^') but I'll try to be more open about it. Thank you for caring ♥ I'll try my best to take care of myself and keep creating a lot of content!!

Danny Barker

Really hope to see a Tohru set some day. &lt;3