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I hope you're doing well :) This week I played the first episode of Life is Strange: Before the Storm and really enjoyed it! Sadly, I was too sick to do a livestream, but I hope to feel better in the next month and I cross my fingers that I'll be able a livestream day to play all the episodes when the last one will be released! 

I don't want to write any spoiler here, but it's great to see Chloe's past with Rachel! So...Here's my cosplay test of Rachel Amber! What do you think? It's a selfportrait, and yeah all the editing/drawing is handmade... I spent like 3h on it today ^^; I'll make a post for my lvl 5+ patrons this evening with the Lightroom settings I used for this little photoshoot and few other pics!

Also I bought feathers to make her earring yesterday! ♥ Can't wait to do an other photoshoot!

I wish you a lovely weekend! Stay safe if you live in Irma's path, and good luck! 




I own the game and have still not played it.


AH this is great! I loved Life is Strange (waiting for Before the Storm to finish before I start it) and this cosplay feels like it really brings her to life, it's awesome!

Henry Pang

This is very awesome.


Ca doit faire au moins 6 mois que le bluray du jeu traine quelque part, que je me dis "faut que j'y joue"... et à chaque fois, j'oublie XD Mais vu les commentaires, le cosplay a l air vraiment reussi^^


Il n'est pas très très long et je le recommande vivement, c'est une expérience assez sympa :) Je pense juste qu'ils auraient pu aller plus loin avec le système de choix, mais ça reste sympa de découvrir l'histoire au fur et à mesure !