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Here's the weekly blog for last week ♥ I'm a bit late, sorry, moving and rushing for sets & Japan Expo costumes are super time-consuming! 

Soooo! On Monday, I sent all remaining orders on my Storenvy shop, then I watched some movies on Netflix while working on cosplays, and later edited some Rei pictures! 

On Tuesday, I did the same as monday: TV shows, Sewing and Editing! :)

On Wednesday it was the "National Music Day"! I went shopping (I needed an ironing board ^^') and listening to some local group after working on my cosplays the whole day! It was sooo so hot here, more than 90°F @__@ It makes it very hard to work on costumes, but I try my best! 

On Thursday I finished the editing of the Rei set and sent it! ♥

On Friday, I watched Gotham while working on a new cosplay!! I did a lot this day and I'm happy to see things coming together! Later in the evening, I did a livestream on Twitch, making the cute drawing you can see in this post!

On Saturday, I packed many things at my old place, including cosplays ^-^ I wanted to work on my costumes, but I spent my day packing instead... I ordered few things for July's photoshoots, and I also edited few cosplay pictures! 

On Sunday, I moved many things including my desk to the new place :) It'll help me a lot with livestreams and videos! I took a little selfie for selfie sunday and updated my online store too! 

I hope you had a nice week too! 




Henry Pang

Hope you are finished moving things and if not good luck with the rest of the move.


I'll be done moving on July 22 :) I'm almost alone to do everything, without a car, so... It takes a lot of time >///< A friend who had a car helped me this week-end so we moved the desk, it's a good thing ^^