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Hello Patrons :) A bit late because of convention week-end, here's the new weekly blog! I will also move from my current apartment in the next month, which will take me some time for few weeks but will improve greatly my quality of life, and allow me to use more money for my own project (like costumes and sets!) as I'll have a roommate to share the costs of everything with! That means I won't be able to be noisy at night anymore, but she's ok with all the crafty and nudies things, so I will have new work spaces to create costumes and shoot sets ♥

On Monday, I wandered in Paris to find a wig for Ashe! Then I moved some of my stuff from my old apartment, and ironed my Sakura Saber!

On Tuesday, I did a photoshoot as Sakura Saber ^-^ I can't wait to show you! It's a classic cosplay shoot this time, and I'm not overly happy with my current wig, so I ordered an other one! 

On Wednesday, I went to the market, took some stuff from my apartment to move them, and cooked a bit before working on sets again! I sorted all my favorite pictures from the Rei and Misty sets! 

On Thursday, I took a bit of rest, went to shop some plastic boxes to store my cosplays, and worked on editing and social medias a lot! I also ordered things for my next sets, especially for Ashe! 

On Friday, I kept working on my Rei set then I ironed my costumes for the weekend! I really wanted to do the livestream but we had a big thunderstorm here, so I prefered to make sure my electronics were safe :) We also had some water in the living room and it was a big mess to wash everything! @_@

On Saturday I went to a little convention in Paris, and I decided to wear my Ryuko cosplay! I even convinced friends to do a little group with me, so we were Ryuko, Satsuki and Mako! We took tons of cute and fanserv pictures, No matter if you ship Ryuko with Satsuki or Mako, you should be happy xD

On Sunday I went to the convention too, and I was wearing my Cinder cosplay for the first time in a french event, after two conventions in Switzerland and two in the US! It was great, and I got a lot of pictures taken, I'm excited to share them :) 

I hope you had a great week too :)





Cant wait for the Rei set ^^


I hope that you post more rei set previews soon. I'm also glad to hear about your new apartment.

Sean Boyle

Good luck to your new apartment, Shae! 🍀💙


Yay for new wigs, place to live and cosplay fun. So happy for you. Also really looking forward to seeing more pics of your cosplays. Is that a new Ryuko wig?

Henry Pang

Good luck with the move