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• Hiking Progress.

• Made a sunset lighting set up and HDRI.

• Finished request for Nina.

• Updated Amaya's shaders and rigging.

• Finished request for Amaya.



Hyphen Potamus

Cannot wait for the hiking set to be finished.


Because it sucks and you want me to move onto something else? 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤔🤔🤔


Hahaha, honestly reading the first comment, it coulda gone either way. :)


Is it just me or it's pretty weird to see the bigger and more muscular one gets topped...


That was the goal of the set. As you pointed out, you'd expect the more muscular, physically bigger person to take on the dom role but I believe this is a nice twist on it. Having Daria play the bottom and Linde the top is pretty nice. Plus, Daria always looks great receiving. There are plenty of previous works with Daria playing the top role so this is a nice change of pace for her.

David Barger

God I love seeing Daria get fucked this hiking set is looking so amazing! :)

David Barger

Also really love the Amaya photos at the gym 😍


Why do you feel it's weird? Do you mean as a concept? Is it visually "weird" to you because of their physiques? Or is it just the way the bigger one is standing? If you specifically mean THE WAY she's standing, it's because Daria is inexperienced and maybe a bit uncomfortable as a bottom. So she's standing a bit clumsy and imbalanced. Over the course of the set she'll get more comfortable and her posture will reflect that. Just unclear to me how you mean that it's weird?


Nah I meant the power dynamic. Like watching a trap topping a muscular man. But hey it's your art and I like it.


its amazing and I really feel too few of this power dynamic twist existing, we need more. Love your art, it inspires and relaxes.


finally Nina on top, i love love love it.