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• Hiking Progress

• Shading Bug Fixes

With new tech, comes new bugs.

It's a bit technical, and this info is a bit simplified because I am simple, but also it's just technical mumbojumbo. But basically I have 7 extra layers on top of every character at any time.

Blush, Breasts, Dirt, Genitals, Peach Fuzz Hair, Slime/Semen, Sweat.

Those layers need to be stacked properly for them to show correctly and for them to not obscure layers underneath it. If I have a dirt layer UNDER the breasts layer, you won't see the dirt on the breasts.

And so to layer them, I have a tool to offset the layers out or in from the base model, let's take Nina in this case.

So we have Nina, with their shape and their skin shaders and it's all great.

Then there's the 7 layers. And those layers are EXTREMELY close, distance-wise, to Nina. But, when I put the camera a bit farther away, I'll get visual bugs where the rendering engine can not quite calculate the distances between Nina and the layers and every layer with the other layers. Resulting in weird graphical bugs.

So, it's a bit of finding a nice middle ground that works around all distances. In a normal rendering engine, I'd use a decal for it, but Iray also had bugs with decals at distance where light shines through it.

As a little thank you for reading all of this dry stuff and since the shaders so far have only been updated for Nina and I need to load the other characters and fix their bugs too I might as well make some quick pinups with them.

If you have an idea for a pinup for any character, lemme know in the comments or in this discord channel.



Robert D.

Would love to see Yuna.

Robert D.

Oh sorry I thought you just wanted character ideas for the pinups. I don’t really have any ideas honestly. You can prolly just disregard the comment lol.

David Barger

Can’t wait for this hiking set looking so cute! :)